PEL {Frames2}R Documentation

Pseudo empirical likelihood estimator


Produces estimates for population totals using the pseudo empirical likelihood estimator from survey data obtained from a dual frame sampling design. Confidence intervals for the population total are also computed, if required.


PEL(ysA, ysB, pi_A, pi_B, domains_A, domains_B, N_A = NULL, N_B = NULL, 
N_ab = NULL, xsAFrameA = NULL, xsBFrameA = NULL, xsAFrameB = NULL, xsBFrameB = NULL, 
XA = NULL, XB = NULL, conf_level = NULL)



A numeric vector of length nAn_A or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions nAn_A x cc containing information about variable(s) of interest from sAs_A.


A numeric vector of length nBn_B or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions nBn_B x cc containing information about variable(s) of interest from sBs_B.


A numeric vector of length nAn_A or a square numeric matrix of dimension nAn_A containing first order or first and second order inclusion probabilities for units included in sAs_A.


A numeric vector of length nBn_B or a square numeric matrix of dimension nBn_B containing first order or first and second order inclusion probabilities for units included in sBs_B.


A character vector of size nAn_A indicating the domain each unit from sAs_A belongs to. Possible values are "a" and "ab".


A character vector of size nBn_B indicating the domain each unit from sBs_B belongs to. Possible values are "b" and "ba".


(Optional) A numeric value indicating the size of frame A.


(Optional) A numeric value indicating the size of frame B.


(Optional) A numeric value indicating the size of the overlap domain.


(Optional) A numeric vector of length nAn_A or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions nAn_A x mAm_A, with mAm_A the number of auxiliary variables in frame A, containing auxiliary information in frame A for units included in sAs_A.


(Optional) A numeric vector of length nBn_B or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions nBn_B x mAm_A, with mAm_A the number of auxiliary variables in frame A, containing auxiliary information in frame A for units included in sBs_B. For units in domain bb, these values are 0.


(Optional) A numeric vector of length nAn_A or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions nAn_A x mBm_B, with mBm_B the number of auxiliary variables in frame B, containing auxiliary information in frame B for units included in sAs_A. For units in domain aa, these values are 0.


(Optional) A numeric vector of length nBn_B or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions nBn_B x mBm_B, with mBm_B the number of auxiliary variables in frame B, containing auxiliary information in frame B for units included in sBs_B.


(Optional) A numeric value or vector of length mAm_A, with mAm_A the number of auxiliary variables in frame A, indicating the population totals for the auxiliary variables considered in frame A.


(Optional) A numeric value or vector of length mBm_B, with mBm_B the number of auxiliary variables in frame B, indicating the population totals for the auxiliary variables considered in frame B.


(Optional) A numeric value indicating the confidence level for the confidence intervals, if desired.


Pseudo empirical likelihood estimator for the population mean is computed as

Yˉ^PEL=NaNYˉ^a+ηNabNYˉ^abA+(1η)NabNYˉ^abB+NbNYˉ^b\hat{\bar{Y}}_{PEL} = \frac{N_a}{N}\hat{\bar{Y}}_a + \frac{\eta N_{ab}}{N}\hat{\bar{Y}}_{ab}^A + \frac{(1 - \eta) N_{ab}}{N}\hat{\bar{Y}}_{ab}^B + \frac{N_b}{N}\hat{\bar{Y}}_b

where Yˉ^a=ksap^akyk,Yˉ^ab=ksabAp^abkAyk,Yˉ^abB=ksabBp^abkByk\hat{\bar{Y}}_a = \sum_{k \in s_a}\hat{p}_{ak}y_k, \hat{\bar{Y}}_{ab} = \sum_{k \in s_{ab}^A}\hat{p}_{abk}^Ay_k, \hat{\bar{Y}}_{ab}^B = \sum_{k \in s_{ab}^B}\hat{p}_{abk}^By_k and Yˉ^b=ksbp^bkyk\hat{\bar{Y}}_b = \sum_{k \in s_b}\hat{p}_{bk}y_k with p^ak,p^abkA,p^abkB\hat{p}_{ak}, \hat{p}_{abk}^A, \hat{p}_{abk}^B and p^bk\hat{p}_{bk} the weights resulting of applying the pseudo empirical likelihood procedure to a determined function under a determined set of constraints, depending on the case. Furthermore, η(0,1)\eta \in (0,1). In this case, NA,NBN_A, N_B and NabN_{ab} have been supposed known and no additional auxiliary variables have been considered. This is not happening in some cases. Function covers following scenarios:

Explicit variance of this estimator is not easy to obtain. Instead, confidence intervals can be computed through the bi-section method. This method constructs intervals in the form {θrns(θ)<χ12(α)}\{\theta|r_{ns}(\theta) < \chi_1^2(\alpha)\}, where χ12(α)\chi_1^2(\alpha) is the 1α1 - \alpha quantile from a χ2\chi^2 distribution with one degree of freedom and rns(θ)r_{ns}(\theta) represents the so called pseudo empirical log likelihood ratio statistic, which can be obtained as a difference of two pseudo empirical likelihood functions.


PEL returns an object of class "EstimatorDF" which is a list with, at least, the following components:


the matched call.


total and mean estimation for main variable(s).


variance estimation for main variable(s).

If parameter conf_level is different from NULL, object includes component


total and mean estimation and confidence intervals for main variables(s).

In addition, components TotDomEst and MeanDomEst are available when estimator is based on estimators of the domains. Component Param shows value of parameters involded in calculation of the estimator (if any). By default, only Est component (or ConfInt component, if parameter conf_level is different from NULL) is shown. It is possible to access to all the components of the objects by using function summary.


Rao, J. N. K. and Wu, C. (2010) Pseudo Empirical Likelihood Inference for Multiple Frame Surveys. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 1494 - 1503.

Wu, C. (2005) Algorithms and R codes for the pseudo empirical likelihood methods in survey sampling. Survey Methodology, Vol. 31, 2, pp. 239 - 243.

See Also




#Let calculate pseudo empirical likelihood estimator for variable Feeding, without
#considering any auxiliary information
PEL(DatA$Feed, DatB$Feed, PiklA, PiklB, DatA$Domain, DatB$Domain)

#Now, let calculate pseudo empirical estimator for variable Clothing when the frame
#sizes and the overlap domain size are known
PEL(DatA$Clo, DatB$Clo, PiklA, PiklB, DatA$Domain, DatB$Domain, 
N_A = 1735, N_B = 1191, N_ab = 601)

#Finally, let calculate pseudo empirical likelihood estimator and a 90% confidence interval
#for population total for variable Feeding, considering Income and Metres2 as auxiliary 
#variables and with frame sizes and overlap domain size known.
PEL(DatA$Feed, DatB$Feed, PiklA, PiklB, DatA$Domain, DatB$Domain, 
N_A = 1735, N_B =  1191, N_ab = 601, xsAFrameA = DatA$Inc, xsBFrameA = DatB$Inc, 
xsAFrameB = DatA$M2, xsBFrameB = DatB$M2, XA = 4300260, XB = 176553, 
conf_level = 0.90)

[Package Frames2 version 0.2.1 Index]