MLCDW {Frames2}R Documentation

Multinomial logistic calibration estimator under dual frame approach with auxiliary information from the whole population


Produces estimates for class totals and proportions using multinomial logistic regression from survey data obtained from a dual frame sampling design using a model calibrated dual frame approach with auxiliary information from the whole population. Confidence intervals are also computed, if required.


MLCDW (ysA, ysB, pik_A, pik_B, domains_A, domains_B, xsA, xsB, x, ind_sam, N_A, 
 N_B, N_ab = NULL, met = "linear", conf_level = NULL)



A data frame containing information about one or more factors, each one of dimension nAn_A, collected from sAs_A.


A data frame containing information about one or more factors, each one of dimension nBn_B, collected from sBs_B.


A numeric vector of length nAn_A containing first order inclusion probabilities for units included in sAs_A.


A numeric vector of length nBn_B containing first order inclusion probabilities for units included in sBs_B.


A character vector of size nAn_A indicating the domain each unit from sAs_A belongs to. Possible values are "a" and "ab".


A character vector of size nBn_B indicating the domain each unit from sBs_B belongs to. Possible values are "b" and "ba".


A numeric vector of length nAn_A or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions nAn_A x mm, with mm the number of auxiliary variables, containing auxiliary information in frame A for units included in sAs_A.


A numeric vector of length nBn_B or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions nBn_B x mm, with mm the number of auxiliary variables, containing auxiliary information in frame B for units included in sBs_B.


A numeric vector or length NN or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions NN x mm, with mm the number of auxiliary variables, containing auxiliary information for every unit in the population.


A numeric vector of length n=nA+nBn = n_A + n_B containing the identificators of units of the population (from 1 to NN) that belongs to sAs_A or sBs_B


A numeric value indicating the size of frame A


A numeric value indicating the size of frame B


(Optional) A numeric value indicating the size of the overlap domain


(Optional) A character vector indicating the distance that must be used in calibration process. Possible values are "linear", "raking" and "logit". Default is "linear".


(Optional) A numeric value indicating the confidence level for the confidence intervals, if desired.


Multinomial logistic calibration estimator in dual frame using auxiliary information from the whole population for a proportion is given by

P^MLCiDW=1N(ksAsBwkzki),i=1,...,m\hat{P}_{MLCi}^{DW} = \frac{1}{N} \left(\sum_{k \in s_A \cup s_B} w_k^{\circ} z_{ki}\right), \hspace{0.3cm} i = 1,...,m

with mm the number of categories of the response variable, ziz_i the indicator variable for the i-th category of the response variable, and ww^{\circ} calibration weights which are calculated having into account a different set of constraints, depending on the case. For instance, if NA,NBN_A, N_B and NabN_{ab} are known, calibration constraints are

ksawk=Na,ksabwk=ηNab,ksbawk=(1η)Nab,ksbwk=Nb\sum_{k \in s_a}w_k^{\circ} = N_a, \sum_{k \in s_{ab}}w_k^{\circ} = \eta N_{ab}, \sum_{k \in s_{ba}}w_k^{\circ} = (1 - \eta) N_{ab}, \sum_{k \in s_{b}}w_k^{\circ} = N_{b}


ksAsBwkpki=kUpki\sum_{k \in s_A \cup s_B}w_k^\circ p_{ki}^{\circ} = \sum_{k \in U} p_{ki}^\circ

with η(0,1)\eta \in (0,1) and

pki=exp(xkβi)r=1mexp(xkβr),p_{ki}^{\circ} = \frac{exp(x_k^{'}\beta_i^{\circ})}{\sum_{r=1}^m exp(x_k^{'}\beta_r^{\circ})},

being βi\beta_i^\circ the maximum likelihood parameters of the multinomial logistic model considering weights dk={dkAif kaηdkAif kab(1η)dkBif kbadkBif kbd_k^{\circ} =\left\{\begin{array}{lcc} d_k^A & \textrm{if } k \in a\\ \eta d_k^A & \textrm{if } k \in ab\\ (1 - \eta) d_k^B & \textrm{if } k \in ba \\ d_k^B & \textrm{if } k \in b \end{array} \right..


MLCDW returns an object of class "MultEstimatorDF" which is a list with, at least, the following components:


the matched call.


class frequencies and proportions estimations for main variable(s).


Molina, D., Rueda, M., Arcos, A. and Ranalli, M. G. (2015) Multinomial logistic estimation in dual frame surveys Statistics and Operations Research Transactions (SORT). To be printed.

See Also




IndSample <- c(DatMA$Id_Pop, DatMB$Id_Pop)
N_FrameA <- nrow(DatPopM[DatPopM$Domain == "a" | DatPopM$Domain == "ab",])
N_FrameB <- nrow(DatPopM[DatPopM$Domain == "b" | DatPopM$Domain == "ab",])
N_Domainab <- nrow(DatPopM[DatPopM$Domain == "ab",])
#Let calculate proportions of categories of variable Prog using MLCDW estimator
#using Read as auxiliary variable
MLCDW(DatMA$Prog, DatMB$Prog, DatMA$ProbA, DatMB$ProbB, DatMA$Domain, DatMB$Domain, 
DatMA$Read, DatMB$Read, DatPopM$Read, IndSample, N_FrameA, N_FrameB)

#Now, let suppose that the overlap domian size is known
MLCDW(DatMA$Prog, DatMB$Prog, DatMA$ProbA, DatMB$ProbB, DatMA$Domain, DatMB$Domain, 
DatMA$Read, DatMB$Read, DatPopM$Read, IndSample, N_FrameA, N_FrameB, N_Domainab)

#Let obtain 95% confidence intervals together with the estimations
MLCDW(DatMA$Prog, DatMB$Prog, DatMA$ProbA, DatMB$ProbB, DatMA$Domain, DatMB$Domain, 
DatMA$Read, DatMB$Read, DatPopM$Read, IndSample, N_FrameA, N_FrameB, N_Domainab,
conf_level = 0.95)

[Package Frames2 version 0.2.1 Index]