Influenza-Attributable Mortality with Distributed-Lag Models

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Documentation for package ‘FluMoDL’ version 0.0.3

Help Pages

addPredictions Add predictions to summary.FluMoDL objects
attrdl Attributable risk from distributed lag nonlinear models
attrMort Influenza- and temperature-attributable mortality for a FluMoDL object
blup.FluMoDL Get or set BLUP coefficients for a FluMoDL object
blup<- Get or set BLUP coefficients for a FluMoDL object
blup<-.FluMoDL Get or set BLUP coefficients for a FluMoDL object
fitFluMoDL Fit a FluMoDL object
greece Greece mortality and influenza data
hasPeriodic Does object include a periodic B-spline term?
hasRSV Does object have a term for RSV?
isoweek Calculate the ISO week & year for a Date
isoweekStart Calculate the start date of a given ISO week
linterp Linearly interpolate missing values in a numeric vector
metaFluMoDL Multivariate meta-analysis for FluMoDL objects
NOAA_allStations Get list of weather stations from NOAA
NOAA_countryStations Get list of weather stations from NOAA
NOAA_getGSOD Get daily weather summaries from NOAA
pbs Periodic B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
pooled Get pooled effect estimates from metaFluMoDL object
predict.FluMoDL Predict method for FluMoDL objects
summary.FluMoDL Summary method for FluMoDL objects