Flood Probability Plotting and Graphical Frequency Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘FloodFreqPlot’ version 0.1.0

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FloodFreqPlot-package A package for flood frequency analysis by a graphical method
AH_Tab12_1_1 Annual maximum discharges of the Guadalupe River near Victoria, Texas, 1935-1978.
AH_Tab12_2_1 Annual maximum 10-minute rainfall at Chicago, Illinois, 1913-1947.
B17C_Tab10_10 U.S. Geological Survey gage 01614000 Back Creek near Jones Springs, West Virginia annual peak-flow record during 1929-2012
B17C_Tab10_14 U.S. Geological Survey gage 07099500 (and others) Arkansas River annual peak-flow record during 1864-1976
B17C_Tab10_18 U.S. Geological Survey gage 05489490 Bear Creek at Ottumwa, Iowa annual peak-flow record during 1965-2014
B17C_Tab10_2 U.S. Geological Survey gage 01134500 Moose River at Victory, Vermont annual peak-flow record during 1947-2014
B17C_Tab10_22 U.S. Geological Survey gage 09480000 Santa Cruz River near Lochiel, Arizona annual peak-flow record during 1949 -2013
B17C_Tab10_6 U.S. Geological Survey gage 11274500 Orestimba Creek near Newman, California annual peak-flow record during 1932-2013
B17C_Tab8_1 Observed annual peak data for the Etowah River and Suwanee Creek from 1985-2004
B17C_Tab8_2 MOVE extended record for 13 years (1972-1984) for Suwanee Creek at Suwanee, Georgia
B17C_Tab8_3 Flood records for 93 years (1892-1984) for the Etowah River at Canton, Georgia
Harricana Maximum annual peak discharge values, obseved at Harricana River at Amos
PlotPos Plotting Position Probability
ProbPlot Flood Probability Plotting