posnegRichards.eqn {FlexParamCurve}R Documentation

Equations of the FlexParamCurve Family


Function to solve any of the equations in the FlexParamCurve family,

depending on user-specified parameters and model choice



Asym = NA,

K = NA,

Infl = NA,

M = NA,

RAsym = NA,

Rk = NA,

Ri = NA,

RM = NA,



Envir = .GlobalEnv)



a numeric vector of the primary predictor variable


a numeric value for the asymptote of the positive (increasing) curve


a numeric value for the rate parameter of the positive (increasing) curve


a numeric value for the point of inflection of the positive (increasing) curve


a numeric value for the shape parameter of the positive (increasing) curve


a numeric value for the asymptote of the negative (decreasing) curve


a numeric value for the rate parameter of the negative (decreasing) curve


a numeric value for the point of inflection of the negative (decreasing) curve


a numeric value for the shape parameter of the negative (decreasing) curve


a numeric value (currently integer only) between 1 and 36 specifying the identification

number of the equation to be fitted


a character vector specifying a list of parameters and options for plotting


a valid R environment to find pn.options, by default this is the global environment


This function fits 1 of 32 possible FlexParamCurve equations (plus custon model #17). Equations

can fit both monotonic and non-monotonic curves (two different trajectories).

These equations have also been described as double-Richards curves, or positive-negative Richards curves.

From version 1.2 onwards this function can fit curves that exhibit negative followed by positive

trajectories or double-positive or double-negative trajectories. This function can now also fit two

component (biphasic) models, where the first curve is used up to the x-value (e.g. age) of intersection and the

second curve is used afterwards, thus the curves are not joined as in standard models (see SSposnegRichards

for details.

The 32 possible equations are all based on the subtraction of one Richards curve from another, producing:

y=A/([1+mexp(k(ti))]1/m)A/([1+mexp(k(ti))]1/m)y = A / ([1+ m exp(-k (t-i))]1/m) - A' / ([1+ m' exp(-k' (t-i' ))]1/m' ), where A=Asym, k=K, i=Infl, m=M,

A'=RAsym, k'=Rk, i'=Ri, m'=RM; as described in the Arguments section above.

All 32 possible equations are simply reformulations of this equation, in each case fixing a parameter or

multiple parameters to (by default) the mean parameter across all individuals in the dataset (such as produced by a nls

model). All models are detailed in the SSposnegRichards help file. Any models that require parameter fixing

(i.e. all except model #1) extract appropriate values from the specified list passed by name to pn.options for the fixed parameters.

This object is most easily created by running modpar and can be adjusted manually or by using

change.pnparameters to user required specification.

If parameters are omitted in the call but required by the modnomodno specified in the call, then they will be automatically extracted

from the pn.options object supplied, with the appropriate warning. Thus, it is not necessary to list out parameters and modno but is

a useful exercise if you are unfamiliar or in doubt of exactly which model is being specified by modnomodno, see SSposnegRichards

for a list. If a parameter is supplied separately with the call then this value will override those stored in for the same parameter in modnomodno:

see examples below.


the solution of the equation specified (by modno), given the user-entered parameters


Any models that require parameter fixing (i.e. all except model #1) extract appropriate values from the specified

list passed to pn.options for the fixed parameters. This object is most easily created by running modpar

and can be adjusted manually or by using change.pnparameters to user required specification.

Version 1.5 saves many variables, and internal variables in the package environment:

FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv. By default, the pn.options file is copied to the environment

specified by the functions (global environment by default). Model selection routines

also copy from FPCenv to the global environment all nlsList models fitted during

model selection to provide backcompatibility with code for earlier versions. The user

can redirect the directory to copy to by altering the Envir argument when calling the



Stephen Oswald <steve.oswald@psu.edu>

See Also





# calculate y (dependent variable) for a given x for an 8-parameter double-Richards model

         #create pnmodelparams for fixed parameters 

   	 modpar(posneg.data$age, posneg.data$mass, pn.options = "myoptions")

   	 x = 10

   	 y <- posnegRichards.eqn(x, 1000, 0.5, 25, 1, 100, 0.5, 125, 

   	 1, modno = 1, pn.options = "myoptions")

   	 print( c(x = x, y = y) )


# plot 8-parameter model using saved parameter values from modpar

	 plot(posneg.data$age, posneg.data$mass, pch = ".")

	 curve(posnegRichards.eqn(x,modno = 1, pn.options = "myoptions"), add = TRUE, lwd = 3)


# plot 3-parameter model using saved parameter values from modpar

         curve(posnegRichards.eqn(x,modno = 32, pn.options = "myoptions"), add = TRUE, col =2

               , lwd = 3)


# tweak the plot of a 3-parameter model by user specifying a lower asymptote:

#      ie give some parameter values

# directly and others through pn.options by default

         curve(posnegRichards.eqn(x,modno = 32, Asym = 3200, pn.options = "myoptions"),

               add = TRUE, col = 5, lwd = 3)


# calculate y (dependent variable) for a given x for a 4-parameter Richards model 

# (note that second curve parameters are unneeded) and replaced with value from pn.options.

# User-supplied variables over-ride those stored in pn.options object

	 x = 10

   	 y <- posnegRichards.eqn(x, 1000, 0.5, 25, 1, 

   	 1, modno = 12, pn.options = "myoptions")

   	 print( c(x = x, y = y) )


# plot a logistic curve (M=1),  note that second curve parameters are unneeded

         plot(1:200, posnegRichards.eqn(1:200, Asym = 1000, K = 0.5, Infl = 25, M = 1, 

   	         modno = 12, pn.options = "myoptions"), xlim = c(1, 200), xlab = "x", 

   		 ylab = "y", pch = 1, cex = 0.7)

# plot a double-logistic curve (M=1, RM=1),  

#note that second curve parameters are unneeded 	     

   	 plot(1:200, posnegRichards.eqn(1:200, Asym = 1000, K = 0.5, Infl = 25, M = 1,

   	      RAsym = -100, Rk = 0.5, Ri = 125, RM = 1,

   	      modno = 1, pn.options = "myoptions"), xlim = c(1, 200), xlab = "x", 

   		 ylab = "y", pch = 1, cex = 0.7)

[Package FlexParamCurve version 1.5-6 Index]