logist.data {FlexParamCurve} | R Documentation |
Simulated growth of whiskered terns
The logist.data
data frame has 1100 rows and 3 columns of records of
the simulated masses for whiskered tern chicks between 0 and 21
days of age.
This object of class c("nfnGroupedData", "nfGroupedData",
"groupedData", "data.frame")
containing the following columns:
- mass
a numeric vector of chick masses (g).
- age
a numeric vector of chick ages (days).
- id
an ordered factor indicating unique id of each simulated individual, i.e. which data belongs to which individual.
No published parameter estimates with associated variability are available for
positive-negative growth curves. These data were simulated using
an 3-parameter positive-negative Richards curve (SSposnegRichards
(model 20)), using parameters drawn from normal distributions with the following
means (standard deviations):
Asym=92.35 (15.65) K=0.06 (0.138) Infl=0.294 (1.72)
These values were taken from Pallisson et al. (2008) for 75 chicks reported.
Each simulated individual had 11 measurements
stratified through the development period, with 1-2 day random differences in timing
of each measurement.
This data object has methods for nlme
grouped-data classes.
Paillisson, J.-M., Latraube, F. & Reeber, S. (2008)
Assessing growth and age of Whiskered Tern
chicks using biometrics. Ardea, 96, 271-277.
require(stats); require(graphics)
#view data
#create list for fixed parameters
modpar(logist.data$age, logist.data$mass, force4par = TRUE, pn.options = "myoptions")
plot(mass ~ age, data = logist.data, subset = id == "0.002",
xlab = "Chick age (day)", las = 1,
ylab = "Chick mass (g)",
main = "logist.data and fitted curve (Chick #2 only)")
change.pnparameters(M=1, pn.options = "myoptions") # set curve to logistic (M=1) in subsequent fit
fm1 <- nls(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age,Asym=Asym,K=K,Infl=Infl,
modno=20, pn.options = "myoptions"),
data = logist.data, subset = id == "0.002")
age <- seq(0, 166, length.out = 101)
lines(age, predict(fm1, list(age = age)))