logist.data {FlexParamCurve}R Documentation

Simulated growth of whiskered terns


The logist.data data frame has 1100 rows and 3 columns of records of the simulated masses for whiskered tern chicks between 0 and 21 days of age.




This object of class c("nfnGroupedData", "nfGroupedData", "groupedData", "data.frame") containing the following columns:


a numeric vector of chick masses (g).


a numeric vector of chick ages (days).


an ordered factor indicating unique id of each simulated individual, i.e. which data belongs to which individual.


No published parameter estimates with associated variability are available for positive-negative growth curves. These data were simulated using an 3-parameter positive-negative Richards curve (SSposnegRichards (model 20)), using parameters drawn from normal distributions with the following means (standard deviations):

  Asym=92.35 (15.65)
  K=0.06 (0.138)
  Infl=0.294 (1.72)

These values were taken from Pallisson et al. (2008) for 75 chicks reported. Each simulated individual had 11 measurements stratified through the development period, with 1-2 day random differences in timing of each measurement. This data object has methods for nlme grouped-data classes.


Paillisson, J.-M., Latraube, F. & Reeber, S. (2008) Assessing growth and age of Whiskered Tern ChlidoniashybridaChlidonias hybrida chicks using biometrics. Ardea, 96, 271-277.


require(stats); require(graphics)
#view data
#create list for fixed parameters
modpar(logist.data$age, logist.data$mass, force4par = TRUE, pn.options = "myoptions")
plot(mass ~ age, data = logist.data, subset = id == "0.002",
     xlab = "Chick age (day)", las = 1,
     ylab = "Chick mass (g)",
     main = "logist.data and fitted curve (Chick #2 only)")
change.pnparameters(M=1, pn.options = "myoptions") # set curve to logistic (M=1) in subsequent fit
fm1 <- nls(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age,Asym=Asym,K=K,Infl=Infl,
           modno=20, pn.options = "myoptions"),
           data = logist.data, subset = id == "0.002")
age <- seq(0, 166, length.out = 101)
lines(age, predict(fm1, list(age = age)))

[Package FlexParamCurve version 1.5-6 Index]