SSposnegRichards {FlexParamCurve} | R Documentation |
Self-Starting Positive-Negative Richards Model (double-Richards)
This selfStart function evaluates a range of flexible logistic
functions. It also has an initial attribute that creates
initial estimates of the parameters
for the model specified.
Asym = NA,
K = NA,
Infl = NA,
M = NA,
RAsym = NA,
Rk = NA,
Ri = NA,
RM = NA,
Envir = ".GlobalEnv")
x |
a numeric vector of the primary predictor variable at which to evaluate the model |
Asym |
a numeric value for the asymptote of the positive (increasing) curve |
K |
a numeric value for the rate parameter of the positive (increasing) curve |
Infl |
a numeric value for the point of inflection of the positive (increasing) curve |
M |
a numeric value for the shape parameter of the positive (increasing) curve |
RAsym |
a numeric value for the asymptote of the negative (decreasing) curve |
Rk |
a numeric value for the rate parameter of the negative (decreasing) curve |
Ri |
a numeric value for the point of inflection of the negative (decreasing) curve |
RM |
a numeric value for the shape parameter of the negative (decreasing) curve |
modno |
a numeric value (currently integer only) between 1 and 36 specifying the identification number of the equation to be fitted |
pn.options |
character string specifying name of
parameter estimates, fitting options and bounds |
Envir |
a character vector that represents the valid R environment in which to find pn.options in and write any output to, by default this is the global environment |
This selfStart function evaluates a range of flexible logistic
functions. It also has an initial attribute that creates
initial estimates of the parameters
for the model specified. Equations can fit both monotonic and non-monotonic
curves (two different trajectories). These equations have also been described as
double-Richards curves, or positive-negative Richards curves. **From version 1.2
onwards this function can fit curves that exhibit negative followed by positive
trajectories or double positive or double negative trajectories.***
The 32 possible equations (plus custom model #17) are all based on the subtraction of one Richards
curve from another, producing:
where A=Asym, k=K, i=Infl, m=M,
A'=RAsym, k'=Rk, i'=Ri, m'=RM; as described in the Arguments section above.
All 32 possible equations are simply reformulations of this equation, in each
case fixing a parameter or multiple parameters to (by default) the mean parameter across
all individuals in the dataset (such as produced by a nls
model). Thus, a model in which one parameter is fixed has a 7-parameter equation,
and one in which four are fixed has a 4-parameter equation, thus reducing
complexity and computation and compensatory parameter changes when a parameter does not
vary across group levels (e.g individuals)
[the most appropriate equation can be determined using model selection in
Any models that require parameter fixing (i.e. all except #1)
extract appropriate values from the list object specified by pn.options
for the fixed
parameters. This object is most easily created by running
and can be adjusted manually or by using
to user-required specification.
Each of the 32 equations is identified by an integer value for modno (1 to 36).Models
21-36 are the same as 1-16 except that in the former the first curve parameter m
is fixed and not estimated. All equations (except 17 - see below) contain parameters Asym, K, and Infl.
The list below summarizes which of the other 5 parameters are contained in
which of the models (Y indicates that the parameter is estimated, blank indicates
it is fixed).
modno M RAsym Rk Ri RM NOTES 1 Y Y Y Y Y 8 parameter model 2 Y Y Y Y 3 Y Y Y 4 Y Y Y 5 Y Y 6 Y Y Y Y 7 Y Y Y Y 8 Y Y Y Y 9 Y Y Y 10 Y Y 11 Y Y 12 Y 4 parameter, standard Richards model 13 Y Y Y 14 Y Y Y 15 Y Y Y 16 Y Y 17 see below 18 see below 19 see below 20 see below 21 Y Y Y Y 7 parameter model, 4 recession params 22 Y Y Y 6 parameter (double-logistic/double-Gompertz/double-Von Bertalannfy) 23 Y Y 24 Y Y 25 Y 26 Y Y Y 27 Y Y Y 28 Y Y Y 29 Y Y 30 Y 31 Y 32 only 3 parameters (used for logistic, Gompertz or Von Bertalannfy - see below) 33 Y Y 34 Y Y 35 Y Y 36 Y
modno 17 represents a different parameterization for a custom model:
(Asym/ 1 + exp(Infl - x)/ M) - (RAsym / 1 + exp(Ri - x)/ RM), in
which M and RM actually represent scale parameters not shape parameters. This model and a suite of reductions:
modno 17.1:
modno 17.2:
modno 17.3:
are designed for use in modeling migration, Bunnefeld et al. 2011, Singh et al. 2012.
modnos 18, 19 and 20 are reserved for internal use by modpar
To access common 3 parameter sigmoidal models use modno = 32, fixing
parameters (using change.pnparameters
) to M = 1 for logistic,
M = 0.1 for Gompertz, and M= -0.3 for von Bertalanffy. The same settings can be
used with modno = 2 to fit the double-logistic, double-Gompertz or double-Von Bertalannfy.
Note that to fit only 3 or 4 parameter curves, the option force4par = TRUE should be specified
when running modpar
The call for SSposnegRichards
only differs from
conventional selfStart models in that it requires a value for modno and a list of fitting options
and values from modpar
to which to fix parameters in the reduced models.
Depending on the model chosen, different combinations of the 8 possible
parameters are required: if one is missing the routine will stop with an
appropriate error, if an extra one is added, it will be ignored (provided
that it is labelled, e.g. M = 1; this is good practice to prevent accidental
Here are two examples (7 parameter and 3 parameter):
richardsR2.lis <- nlsList(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl, M = M, RAsym = RAsym, Rk = Rk, Ri = Ri, , modno = 2), data = #correct call includes all necessary parameters
richardsR20.lis <- nlsList(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl, modno = 2), data = #incorrect call missing required parameters, #function terminates and generates an error message
Examples for all models can be found in the list object
If specified using modpar
optional constraints
may be placed to specify response values at the minimum value and/or
maximum values of the predictor. Such constraint allows realistic fits for
datasets which are missing data
at either end of the curve (e.g. hatching weight for some growth curves).
Estimates are produced by splitting the two curves into separate positive
and negative curves and estimating parameters for each curve separately
in a similar manner to SSlogis
. Each curve is fit first by
using the parameter bounds in pnmodelparamsbounds
(see modpar
) and a subsequent refinement is attempted using
with more restrictive parameter bounds. Finally, both curves
are annealed
and parameters are again estimated using restrictive bounds and starting values
already determined during separate estimates. Equations for which the positive
curve was inestimable are not estimated further, but if negative curve estimation
or overall curve estimation fail, partial estimates are used: either default
negative parameters (RAsym = 0.05*Asym, Rk = K, Ri = Infl, RM = M) annealed to positive
curves or separate estimates annealed; both with compensation for interation
between asymptotes.
From version 1.2 onwards, this function can now fit two component models, where
the first curve is used up to the x-value (e.g. age) of intersection and the second curve is used
afterwards. Confusingly, these are also called "double Richards", "double Gompertz"
or "double logistic": see Murphy et al. (2009) or Ross et al. (1995) for examples.
To specify such models set twocomponent.x = TRUE (this will estimate the x of
intersection) when running modpar
. Alternatively, if known, the
x of intersection can be set directly by setting
twocomponent.x = # (where # is the x of intersection). When modpar
is run this option will be saved in pnmodelparas
and can be changed at will,
either manually or using change.pnparameters
From version 1.2 onwards, this function can now fit bilogistic (and more generally
biRichards) curves, where the final curve is effectively either two positive curves
or two negative curves. See Meyer (1994) for examples. This functionality is default
and does not need to be specified.
a numeric vector of the same length as x containing parameter
estimates for equation specified (fixed parameters
are not return but are substituted in calls to nls
and nlme
with the fixed parameters
stored in pnmodelparams
; see modpar
Any models that require parameter fixing (i.e. all except #1)
extract appropriate values from the object pnmodelparams
for the fixed
parameters. This object is created by running
and can be adjusted manually or by using
to user required specification.
Output may show errors and warnings especially during a nlsList
fit, in which the function is called repeatedly: once for each group level in the
dataset. Warnings indicate conditions for which default parameters or incomplete estimates
are used - see Details section - and errors occur from insufficient data or singularities.
As a result of possible interaction and correlation between the parameters in some models,
singularities may be common, but do not be alarmed by repeated error messages, as
examination of a fitted nlsList
model may releave a large number of
well estimated group levels, thus the elimation of unsuitable outlying groups only. Also,
because very few of the 32 equations are likely to be suitable for the majority
of datasets, consideration of the model being fitted is crucial when examining the output. Functions
provide the ability
for model selection of these equations through stepwise backward deletion or all
model comparison, respectively. These offer powerful ways to determine the
best equation for your dataset.
To increase the ability of optimization routines to deal with
a wide variety of values, particularly negative values for M or RM,
only real component of complex numbers are modelled and integer versions
of M and RM are used during estimation if floating values cause conversion
Speed of the function depends on the complexity of the data being fit.
Version 1.5 saves many variables, and internal variables in the package environment:
FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv. By default, the pn.options file is copied to the environment
specified by the functions (global environment by default). Model selection routines
also copy from FPCenv to the global environment all nlsList models fitted during
model selection to provide backcompatibility with code for earlier versions. The user
can redirect the directory to copy to by altering the Envir argument when calling the
Stephen Oswald <>
## Oswald, S.A. et al. (2012) FlexParamCurve: R package for flexible
fitting of nonlinear parametric curves. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 1073-1077.
doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00231.x (see also tutorial and introductory videos at: (posted September 2012 - if no longer at this link, check the archived videos at:
#1# Nelder, J.A. (1962) Note: an alternative form of a generalized
logistic equation. Biometrics, 18, 614-616.
Huin, N. & Prince, P.A. (2000) Chick growth in albatrosses: curve fitting
with a twist. Journal of Avian Biology, 31, 418-425.
Meyer, P. (1994) Bi-logistic growth. Technological Forecasting and Social
Change. 47: 89-102
Murphy, S. et al. (2009) Importance of biological parameters in assessing
the status of Delphinus delphis
. Marine Ecology Progress Series 388: 273-291.
Pinheiro, J. & Bates, D. (2000) Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-Plus.
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Ross, J.L. et al. (1994) Age, growth, mortality, and reproductive biology
of red drums in North Carolina waters. Transactions of the American Fisheries
Society 124: 37-54.
Bunnefeld et al. (2011) A model-driven approach to quantify migration patterns:
individual, regional and yearly differences. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 466-476.
Singh et al. (2012) From migration to nomadism: movement variability in a northern
ungulate across its latitudinal range. Ecological Applications 22: 2007-2020.
See Also
set.seed(3) #for compatability issues
# retrieve mean estimates of 8 parameters using getInitial
# and object
modpar($age,$mass,verbose=TRUE, pn.options = "myoptions", width.bounds=2)
getInitial(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age, Asym, K, Infl, M,
RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM, modno = 1, pn.options = "myoptions"), data =
# retrieve mean estimates and produce plot to illustrate fit for
# curve with M, Ri and Rk fixed
pars <- coef(nls(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age,
Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl, RAsym = RAsym,
RM = RM, modno = 24, pn.options = "myoptions"), data =,
control=list(tolerance = 10)))
plot($age,$mass, pch=".")
curve(posnegRichards.eqn(x, Asym = pars[1], K = pars[2],
Infl = pars[3], RAsym = pars[4],
RM = pars[5], modno = 24, pn.options = "myoptions"), xlim = c(0,
200), add = TRUE)
# following example not run as appropriate data are not available in the package
# retrieve mean estimates and produce plot to illustrate fit for custom model 17
## Not run:
pars<-as.numeric( getInitial(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age, Asym, K, Infl,
M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM, modno = 17, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = datansd) )
plot(datansd$jday21March, datansd$moosensd)
curve( posnegRichards.eqn(x, Asym = pars[1], K = 1, Infl = pars[2],
M = pars[3], RAsym = pars[4], Rk = 1, Ri = pars[5], RM = pars[6],
modno = 17, pn.options = "myoptions"), lty = 3, xlim = c(0, 200) , add = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
# fit nls object using 8 parameter model
# note: ensure data object is a groupedData object
richardsR1.nls <- nls(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age, Asym = Asym,
K = K, Infl = Infl, M = M, RAsym = RAsym, Rk = Rk, Ri = Ri,
RM = RM, modno = 1, pn.options = "myoptions"), data =
# following example not run as it fits very few levels in these data - as noted
# such a comprehensive equation is rarely required
# fit nlsList object using 8 parameter model
# note: ensure data object is a groupedData object
# also note: not many datasets require all 8 parameters
## Not run:
richardsR1.lis <- nlsList(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age, Asym = Asym,
K = K, Infl = Infl, M = M, RAsym = RAsym, Rk = Rk, Ri = Ri,
RM = RM, modno = 1, pn.options = "myoptions"), data =
## End(Not run)
# fit nlsList object using 6 parameter model with value M and RM
# fixed to value in pnmodelparams and then fit nlme model
# note data is subset to provide estimates for a few individuals
# as an example
subdata <- subset(,$id == as.character(26)
|$id == as.character(1)
|$id == as.character(32))
richardsR22.lis <- nlsList(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age, Asym = Asym,
K = K, Infl = Infl, RAsym = RAsym, Rk = Rk, Ri = Ri,
modno = 22, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = subdata)
summary(richardsR22.lis )
richardsR22.nlme <- nlme(richardsR22.lis, random = pdDiag(Asym + Infl ~ 1) )
# fit nls object using simple logistic model, with
# M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, and RM fixed to values in pnmodelparams
modpar($age,$mass ,force4par = TRUE, pn.options = "myoptions")
change.pnparameters(M = 1, pn.options = "myoptions") #set to logistic (M =1) prior to fit
richardsR32.nls <- nls(mass ~ SSposnegRichards(age, Asym = Asym,
K = K, Infl = Infl, modno = 32, pn.options = "myoptions"), data =
# fit a two component model - enter your own data in place of "mydata"
# this is not run for want of an appropriate dataset
# if x of intersection unknown
## Not run:
modpar(mydata$x,mydata$y,twocomponent.x=TRUE, pn.options = "myoptions")
# if x of intersection = 75
modpar(mydata$x,mydata$y,twocomponent.x=75, pn.options = "myoptions")
richardsR1.nls <- nls(y~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K,
Infl = Infl, M = M, RAsym = RAsym, Rk = Rk, Ri = Ri, RM = RM,
modno = 1, pn.options = "myoptions")
, data = mydata)
## End(Not run)