MLEfit {FitDynMix} | R Documentation |
Estimating a dynamic mixture via MLE
This function fits a dynamic mixture via standard maximum likelihood. Currently only implemented for the lognormal - generalized Pareto case, with Cauchy or exponential weight.
MLEfit(yObs, bootreps, intTol = 1e-04, weight)
yObs |
numerical vector: observed sample. |
bootreps |
non-negative integer: number of bootstrap replications. If equal to 0, no standard errors are computed. |
intTol |
non-negative scalar: threshold for stopping the computation of the integral in the normalization constant: if the integral on the interval from n-1 to n is smaller than intTol, the approximation procedure stops. |
weight |
'cau' or 'exp': name of weight distribution. |
Starting values for mu and sigma are the lognormal MLEs computed with the observations below the median. Initial values for xi and tau are the GPD MLEs obtained with the observations above the median. For the location and scale parameter of the Cauchy, we respectively use the first quartile and abs(log(sd(x)/2)). For the parameter of the exponential, we use abs(log(sd(x)/2)).
MLEpars vector: maximum likelihood estimates and maximized log-likelihood.
MLEboot matrix: maximum likelihood estimates obtained in each bootstrap replication.
sdMLE vector: bootstrap standard deviation of the MLEs.
Bee M (2023). “Unsupervised mixture estimation via approximate maximum likelihood based on the Cramér - von Mises distance.” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 185, 107764.
See Also
mixFit <- MLEfit(Metro2019,0,,'cau')