feedback.stats {FeedbackTS}R Documentation

Computation of feedback and change-in-feedback statistics


Computation of temporal averages of after-before differences around key days calculated from a time series and computation of the difference in the temporal averages around a turning point in time.


feedback.stats(object, operator, turning.year = NULL,
    trend.correction = list( apply = FALSE , object2 = NULL ))



either a KDD object or a KDD.yearly.average object.


a character string specifying the transformation of the raw values, must be one of "dmv", "dmpiv" or "dmgiv".


an optional numeric vector of years used to specify turning points in the data series.


an optional list of two items: the apply item, which is a logical indicating whether the trend correction should be applied or not (default to FALSE); the object2 item, which is a KDD object typically built like object except that the keyday threshold is fixed at zero (see example section below).


The function computes the following temporal averages of after-before differences around key days calculated from a time series:

Dˉ(I)=1n(I)iIDi\bar D(I)=\frac{1}{n(I)}\sum_{i\in I} D_i

where II is a set of key days, n(I)n(I) is the number of key days in II, and DiD_i is an after-before difference computed for each key day ii (see below and in after.minus.before function).

If operator = "dmv" (difference of mean values), the raw values yiK,,yi+Ky_{i-K},\ldots,y_{i+K} of the time series are used to compute the difference:

Di=(1Kk=1Kyi+k)(1Kk=1Kyik)=1Kk=1K(yi+kyik), D_i=\left(\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K y_{i+k}\right) - \left(\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K y_{i-k}\right)=\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K (y_{i+k}-y_{i-k}),

where ii is the date of the key day, KK is the number of days considered around the key day (specified when data is provided).

If operator = "dmpiv" (difference of means of positive indicator values), the raw values yiK,,yi+Ky_{i-K},\ldots,y_{i+K} are used to compute the difference:

Di=(1Kk=1K1(yi+k>0))(1Kk=1K1(yik>0))=1Kk=1K{1(yi+k>0)1(yik>0)}, D_i=\left(\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K 1(y_{i+k}>0)\right) - \left(\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K 1(y_{i-k}>0)\right)=\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K \{1(y_{i+k}>0)-1(y_{i-k}>0)\},

where 1()1(\cdot) is the indicator function.

If operator = "dmgiv" (difference of means of greater indicator values), the raw values yiK,,yi+Ky_{i-K},\ldots,y_{i+K} are used to compute the difference:

Di=(1Kk=1K1(yi+k>yik))(1Kk=1K1(yik>yi+k)). D_i=\left(\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K 1(y_{i+k}>y_{i-k})\right) - \left(\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K 1(y_{i-k}>y_{i+k})\right).

If turning.year = NULL, the function computes Dˉ(I)\bar D(I) where II is the set of all key days in the whole time series.

If turning.year is a numeric vector, for each value tt in turning.year the function computes Dˉ(I)\bar D(I) with II equal to the set of key days in the whole time series, in the time series before tt and in the time series after tt. The function also computes, for each value tt, the difference between the temporal averages of after-before differences after tt and before tt.

If trend.correction$apply = TRUE, a trend correction is applied to take into account, for example, seasonal effect in the time series (see Morris et al., 2016).


If turning.year = NULL, a numeric equal to the temporal average of after-before differences around key days calculated from the whole time series.

If turning.year is a numeric vector, a numeric vector providing:

the temporal average of after-before differences around key days calculated from the whole time series;

for each value tt in turning.year,

the temporal average Dˉ<t\bar D_{<t} of after-before differences around key days calculated from the time series right-truncated at time tt;

the temporal average Dˉt\bar D_{\ge t} of after-before differences around key days calculated from the time series left-truncated at time tt;

the difference DˉtDˉ<t\bar D_{\ge t}-\bar D_{<t}.


Samuel Soubeyrand, Cindy E. Morris, E. Keith Bigg.


Morris, C.E., Soubeyrand, S.; Bigg, E.K., Creamean, J.M., Sands, D.C. (2016). Rainfall feedback maps: a tool to depict the geography of precipitation's sensitivity to aerosols. INRA Research Report.

Soubeyrand, S., Morris, C. E. and Bigg, E. K. (2014). Analysis of fragmented time directionality in time series to elucidate feedbacks in climate data. Environmental Modelling and Software 61: 78-86.

See Also

KDD, KDD.yearly.average,, after.minus.before,,


#### load data for site 6008 (Callagiddy station)

#### build KDD objects from raw data (site 6008: Callagiddy station)
## using a threshold value equal to 25, keyday.threshold=25, nb.days=20,
   col.series=5,,3,4), na.rm=TRUE, filter=NULL)
#### main feedback statistic
feedback.stats(KDD, "dmv")

#### main and auxiliary feedback statistics
feedback.stats(KDD, "dmv", turning.year=c(1960,1980))

#### apply a trend correction
## define the KDD object used for trend correction (it is defined as
## KDD above except that the threshold value is equal to 0), keyday.threshold=0, nb.days=20,
   col.series=5,,3,4), na.rm=TRUE, filter=NULL)
## compute the statistic
feedback.stats(KDD, "dmv", trend.correction=list(apply=TRUE, object2=KDD2))

[Package FeedbackTS version 1.5 Index]