ftree.calc {FaultTree}R Documentation

Fault Tree Calculation


ftree.calc performs gate-by-gate calculations from bottom to top of fault tree.


ftree.calc(DF, use.bdd=FALSE)  



A fault tree dataframe such as returned from ftree.make or related add... functions.


A logical determining whether to use the bdd for probability calculations rather than simple solutions.


Returns a dataframe containing 18 columns for holding data, results, and connection information.


Nicholls, David [Editor] (2005) System Reliability Toolkit Reliability information Analysis Center

O'Connor, Patrick D.T. (1991) Practical Reliability Engineering John Wiley & Sons

Vesely, W.E., Goldberg, F.F., Roberts, N.H., Haasl, D.F. (1981) Fault Tree Handbook U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Vesely, W.E., Stamatelato, M., Dugan, J., Fragola, J., Minarick, J., Railsback, J. (2002) Fault Tree Handbook with Aerospace Applications NASA

Doelp, L.C., Lee, G.K., Linney, R.E., Ormsby R.W. (1984) Quantitative fault tree analysis: Gate-by-gate method Plant/Operations Progress Volume 3, Issue 4 American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Rauzy, Antoine (1993) "New algorithms for fault trees analysis" Reliabiity Engineering System Safety, volume 40

Limnios, Nikolaos (2007) Fault Trees ISTE,Ltd.

Bedford, Tim, Cooke, Roger (2012) Probabilistic Risk Analysis Foundations and Methods Cambridge University Press


minex2<-addProbability(minex2, at="top", prob=.01, tag="X1", name="X1")
minex2<-addLogic(minex2, at="top", type="or", tag="G1", name="G1")
minex2<-addProbability(minex2, at="G1", prob=.02, tag="X2", name="X2")
minex2<-addProbability(minex2, at="G1", prob=.03, tag="X3", name="X3")
minex2<-addLogic(minex2, at="top", type="or", tag="G2", name="G2")
minex2<-addDuplicate(minex2, at="G2", dup_of="X3")
minex2<-addProbability(minex2, at="G2", prob=.04, tag="X4", name="X4")
minex2<-ftree.calc(minex2, use.bdd=TRUE)

[Package FaultTree version 1.0.1 Index]