Fast, Readable Utility Functions

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Documentation for package ‘FastUtils’ version 0.1.1

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add Add Two Objects
bound Bound a Number within a Range
closestWord Find the Closest Word in a Set to a Given Word
colToRownames Convert a Column to Row Names
createHash Create a Hash Table
createMutator Create a Mutator Function
createPkgLoader Create Package Loader Function
divide Divide Two Numbers
enclose Enclose String with Specified Characters
encloseBr Enclose String with Brackets
enumerateit Enumerate Elements with Indices
findMissingRdSections Find Missing Sections in Rd Files
fixColnames Fix Column Names
fmrs Find Missing Sections in Rd Files
getAvgHex Compute the Average of Hex Colors
getChar Get a Character at a Specific Index
getfirst Get the First Elements of a Vector or List
getfirst.default Get the First Elements of a Vector or List
getlast Get the Last Elements of a Vector or List
getlast.default Get the Last Elements of a Vector or List
getPkgKeywords Get Keywords from R Package Documentation
getPlotDims Get the xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax of a ggplot Object
getUniquePairsUpTo Generate Unique Pairs Up To a Number
greplDir Search for a Pattern in Files within a Directory
ind Get Index from Enumerated Element
initDataFrameWithColnames Initialize a DataFrame with Column Names
initEmptyTable Initialize an Empty Table
initList Initialize a List
initTestthat Initialize Testthat Files
initV Initialize a Vector
isBound Check if a Number is within a Range
isCamelCase Check if String is camelCase
isEven Check if a Number is Even
isOdd Check if a Number is Odd
isPascalCase Check if String is PascalCase
isSnakeCase Check if String is snake_case
isVowel Check if a Character is a Vowel
joinRegex Join regex expressions by union
listFiles List Only Files in a Directory
multiply Multiply Two Numbers
mutateToRownames Mutate columns to Row Names
namedNumericToTable Convert Named Numeric Vector to Table
prependIndefArticle Prepend an Indefinite Article to a String
quietly Suppress Messages and Output
rmByName Remove Elements with Specified Name Regex
rownamesToCol Convert Row Names to a Column
scaleHex Scale the Brightness of a Hex Color
setColnames Set Column Names
setRownames Set Row Names
splitCamel Split CamelCase or PascalCase Strings
splitPascal Split CamelCase or PascalCase Strings
splitSnake Split Snake Case String
startsWithVowel Check if a String Starts with a Vowel
stopp Custom Stop Function Without Call
stripSpaces Remove Spaces from a String
substrEnd Extract Substring from Start to End Difference
subtract Subtract Two Numbers
tableToNumeric Convert a Table to Numeric
test_quietly_that Run a Testthat test Quietly
trySplitWords Try to Split Words Based on Naming Convention
val Get Value from Enumerated Element by Index
val1 Get First Value from Enumerated Element
validateObject Validate Object
warningp Custom Warning Function Without Call
zipit Zip Multiple Vectors or Lists