Fast Estimation of CUB Models via Louis' Identity

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Documentation for package ‘FastCUB’ version 0.0.3

Help Pages

bestcub Best-subset variable selection for CUB models via fast EM algorithm
BIC.fastCUB S3 BIC method for class "fastCUB"
bitcsi Shifted Binomial probabilities of ordinal responses
bitgama Shifted Binomial distribution with covariates
coef.fastCUB S3 Method: coef for class "fastCUB"
cormat Correlation matrix for estimated model
dissim Normalized dissimilarity measure
fastCUB Main function for fast estimation CUB models
fastCUB_package fastCUB package
fitted.fastCUB S3 method "fitted" for class "fastCUB"
inibest Preliminary estimators for CUB models without covariates
inibestgama Preliminary parameter estimates of a CUB model with covariates for feeling
invmatgen Recursive computation of the inverse of a matrix
logis The logistic transform
logLik.fastCUB logLik S3 Method for class "fastCUB"
makeplot Plot facilities for fastCUB objects
print.fastCUB S3 method: print for class "fastCUB"
probbit Probability distribution of a shifted Binomial random variable
probcub00 Probability distribution of a CUB model without covariates
probcub0q Probability distribution of a CUB model with covariates for the feeling component
probcubp0 Probability distribution of a CUB model with covariates for the uncertainty component
probcubpq Probability distribution of a CUB model with covariates for both feeling and uncertainty
relgoods Relational goods and Leisure time dataset
summary.fastCUB S3 method: summary for class "fastCUB"
univer Evaluation of the Orientation Services 2002
vcov.fastCUB S3 method vcov() for class "fastCUB"