farm.test {FarmTest}R Documentation

Factor-adjusted robust multiple testing


This function conducts factor-adjusted robust multiple testing (FarmTest) for means of multivariate data proposed in Fan et al. (2019) via a tuning-free procedure.


  fX = NULL,
  KX = -1,
  Y = NULL,
  fY = NULL,
  KY = -1,
  h0 = NULL,
  alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
  alpha = 0.05,
  p.method = c("bootstrap", "normal"),
  nBoot = 500



An nn by pp data matrix with each row being a sample.


An optional factor matrix with each column being a factor for X. The number of rows of fX and X must be the same.


An optional positive number of factors to be estimated for X when fX is not specified. KX cannot exceed the number of columns of X. If KX is not specified or specified to be negative, it will be estimated internally. If KX is specified to be 0, no factor will be adjusted.


An optional data matrix used for two-sample FarmTest. The number of columns of X and Y must be the same.


An optional factor matrix for two-sample FarmTest with each column being a factor for Y. The number of rows of fY and Y must be the same.


An optional positive number of factors to be estimated for Y for two-sample FarmTest when fY is not specified. KY cannot exceed the number of columns of Y. If KY is not specified or specified to be negative, it will be estimated internally. If KY is specified to be 0, no factor will be adjusted.


An optional pp-vector of true means, or difference in means for two-sample FarmTest. The default is a zero vector.


An optional character string specifying the alternate hypothesis, must be one of "two.sided" (default), "less" or "greater".


An optional level for controlling the false discovery rate. The value of alpha must be between 0 and 1. The default value is 0.05.


An optional character string specifying the method to calculate p-values when fX is known or when KX = 0, possible options are multiplier bootstrap or normal approximation. It must be one of "bootstrap"(default) or "normal".


An optional positive integer specifying the size of bootstrap sample, only available when p.method = "bootstrap". The dafault value is 500.


For two-sample FarmTest, means, stdDev, loadings, eigenVal, eigenRatio, nfactors and n will be lists of items for sample X and Y separately.

alternative = "greater" is the alternative that μ>μ0\mu > \mu_0 for one-sample test or μX>μY\mu_X > \mu_Y for two-sample test.

Setting p.method = "bootstrap" for factor-known model will slow down the program, but it will achieve lower empirical FDP than setting p.method = "normal".


An object with S3 class farm.test containing the following items will be returned:


Estimated means, a vector with length pp.


Estimated standard deviations, a vector with length pp. It's not available for bootstrap method.


Estimated factor loadings, a matrix with dimension pp by KK, where KK is the number of factors.


Eigenvalues of estimated covariance matrix, a vector with length pp. It's only available when factors fX and fY are not given.


Ratios of eigenVal to estimate nFactors, a vector with length min(n,p)/2min(n, p) / 2. It's only available when number of factors KX and KY are not given.


Estimated or input number of factors, a positive integer.


Values of test statistics, a vector with length pp. It's not available for bootstrap method.


P-values of tests, a vector with length pp.


Adjusted p-values of tests, a vector with length pp.


Boolean values indicating whether each test is significant, with 1 for significant and 0 for non-significant, a vector with length pp.


Indices of tests that are rejected. It will show "no hypotheses rejected" if none of the tests are rejected.


Indicator of whether factor is known or unknown.


Sample size.


Data dimension.


Null hypothesis, a vector with length pp.


α\alpha value.


Althernative hypothesis.


Ahn, S. C. and Horenstein, A. R. (2013). Eigenvalue ratio test for the number of factors. Econometrica, 81(3) 1203–1227.

Benjamini, Y. and Hochberg, Y. (1995). Controlling the false discovery rate: A practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B. Stat. Methodol., 57 289–300.

Fan, J., Ke, Y., Sun, Q. and Zhou, W-X. (2019). FarmTest: Factor-adjusted robust multiple testing with approximate false discovery control. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 114, 1880-1893.

Huber, P. J. (1964). Robust estimation of a location parameter. Ann. Math. Statist., 35, 73–101.

Storey, J. D. (2002). A direct approach to false discovery rates. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B. Stat. Methodol., 64, 479–498.

Sun, Q., Zhou, W.-X. and Fan, J. (2020). Adaptive Huber regression. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 115, 254-265.

Zhou, W-X., Bose, K., Fan, J. and Liu, H. (2018). A new perspective on robust M-estimation: Finite sample theory and applications to dependence-adjusted multiple testing. Ann. Statist., 46 1904-1931.

See Also, and


n = 20
p = 50
K = 3
muX = rep(0, p)
muX[1:5] = 2
epsilonX = matrix(rnorm(p * n, 0, 1), nrow = n)
BX = matrix(runif(p * K, -2, 2), nrow = p)
fX = matrix(rnorm(K * n, 0, 1), nrow = n)
X = rep(1, n) %*% t(muX) + fX %*% t(BX) + epsilonX
# One-sample FarmTest with two sided alternative
output = farm.test(X)
# One-sample FarmTest with one sided alternative
output = farm.test(X, alternative = "less")
# One-sample FarmTest with known factors
output = farm.test(X, fX = fX)

# Two-sample FarmTest
muY = rep(0, p)
muY[1:5] = 4
epsilonY = matrix(rnorm(p * n, 0, 1), nrow = n)
BY = matrix(runif(p * K, -2, 2), nrow = p)
fY = matrix(rnorm(K * n, 0, 1), nrow = n)
Y = rep(1, n) %*% t(muY) + fY %*% t(BY) + epsilonY
output = farm.test(X, Y = Y)

[Package FarmTest version 2.2.0 Index]