Kinship Ties in (Virtual) Multi-Generation Populations

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Documentation for package ‘Families’ version 2.0.2

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Families-package Kinship Ties in Virtual Populations
Age Age of ego or kin at given calendar date
Alive Living status of individual at given age or calendar date
Db Date(s) of birth in decimal format
Dd Date(s) of death in decimal format
dLH Individual fertility histories of members of a virtual population. Sample dataset.
FamiliesPop Kinship Ties in Virtual Populations
IDau IDs of aunts and uncles of ego
IDch IDs of children of ego
IDfather ID of father of ego
IDgch IDs of grandchildren of ego
IDmother ID of mother of ego
IDpartner ID of partner of ego
IDsib IDs of siblings of ego
Kin_long Converts a list vector of kin into a dataframe of kin
Nkin Number of kin of given type
PlotAges Plots age distribution(s) of kin
Tests Checks the input data