Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining

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Documentation for package ‘FactoMineR’ version 2.11

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FactoMineR-package Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining with R
AovSum Analysis of variance with the contrasts sum (the sum of the coefficients is 0)
autoLab Function to better position the labels on the graphs
CA Correspondence Analysis (CA)
CaGalt Correspondence Analysis on Generalised Aggregated Lexical Table (CaGalt)
catdes Categories description
children Children (data)
coeffRV Calculate the RV coefficient and test its significance
condes Continuous variable description
coord.ellipse Construct confidence ellipses
decathlon Performance in decathlon (data)
descfreq Description of frequencies
dimdesc Dimension description
DMFA Dual Multiple Factor Analysis (DMFA)
ellipseCA Draw confidence ellipses in CA
estim_ncp Estimate the number of components in Principal Component Analysis
FactoMineR Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining with R
FAMD Factor Analysis for Mixed Data
footsize footsize
geomorphology geomorphology(data)
GPA Generalised Procrustes Analysis
graph.var Make graph of variables
HCPC Hierarchical Clustering on Principle Components (HCPC)
health health (data)
HMFA Hierarchical Multiple Factor Analysis
hobbies hobbies (data)
JO Number of medals in athletism during olympic games per country
LinearModel Linear Model with AIC or BIC selection, and with the contrasts sum (the sum of the coefficients is 0) if any categorical variables
MCA Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)
meansComp Perform pairwise means comparisons
MFA Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA)
milk milk
mortality The cause of mortality in France in 1979 and 2006
PCA Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
plot.CA Draw the Correspondence Analysis (CA) graphs
plot.CaGalt Draw the Correspondence Analysis on Generalised Aggregated Lexical Table (CaGalt) graphs
plot.catdes Plots for description of clusters (catdes)
plot.DMFA Draw the Dual Multiple Factor Analysis (DMFA) graphs
plot.FAMD Draw the Multiple Factor Analysis for Mixt Data graphs
plot.GPA Draw the General Procrustes Analysis (GPA) map
plot.HCPC Plots for Hierarchical Classification on Principle Components (HCPC) results
plot.HMFA Draw the Hierarchical Multiple Factor Analysis (HMFA) graphs
plot.MCA Draw the Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) graphs
plot.meansComp Draw the means comparisons
plot.MFA Draw the Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) graphs
plot.PCA Draw the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) graphs
plotellipses Draw confidence ellipses around the categories
plotGPApartial Draw an interactive General Procrustes Analysis (GPA) map
plotMFApartial Plot an interactive Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) graph
poison Poison
poison.text Poison
poulet Genomic data for chicken
predict.CA Predict projection for new rows with Correspondence Analysis
predict.FAMD Predict projection for new rows with Factor Analysis of Mixed Data
predict.LinearModel Predict method for Linear Model Fits
predict.MCA Predict projection for new rows with Multiple Correspondence Analysis
predict.MFA Predict projection for new rows with Multiple Factor Analysis
predict.PCA Predict projection for new rows with Principal Component Analysis
prefpls Scatter plot and additional variables with quality of representation contour lines
print.AovSum Print the AovSum results
print.CA Print the Correspondance Analysis (CA) results
print.CaGalt Print the Correspondence Analysis on Generalised Aggregated Lexical Table (CaGalt) results
print.catdes Print the catdes results
print.condes Print the condes results
print.FAMD Print the Multiple Factor Analysis of mixt Data (FAMD) results
print.GPA Print the Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) results
print.HCPC Print the Hierarchical Clustering on Principal Components (HCPC) results
print.HMFA Print the Hierarchical Multiple Factor Analysis results
print.LinearModel Print the LinearModel results
print.MCA Print the Multiple Correspondance Analysis (MCA) results
print.MFA Print the Multiple Factor Analysis results
print.PCA Print the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) results
reconst Reconstruction of the data from the PCA, CA or MFA results
RegBest Select variables in multiple linear regression
senso senso
simule Simulate by bootstrap
summary.CA Printing summeries of ca objects
summary.CaGalt Printing summaries of CaGalt objects
summary.FAMD Printing summeries of FAMD objects
summary.MCA Printing summeries of MCA objects
summary.MFA Printing summaries of MFA objects
summary.PCA Printing summeries of PCA objects
svd.triplet Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
tab.disjonctif Make a disjonctif table
tab.disjonctif.prop Make a disjunctive table when missing values are present
tea tea (data)
textual Text mining
wine Wine
write.infile Print in a file