magging {FRESHD}R Documentation

Maximin Aggregation


R wrapper for a C++ implementation of the generic maximin aggregation procedure.





array of size p×Gp \times G containing the group parameter estimates where pp is the number of model parameters and GG is the number of groups.


Following Buhlmann 2016 this function computes the maximin aggregation estimator for given group estimates. This entails solving a convex quadratic optimization problem. The function wraps a C++ implementation of an algorithm by Goldfarb and Idnani for solving a (convex) quadratic programming problem by means of a dual method.

The underlying C++ program solving the convex quadratic optimization problem, eiquadprog.hpp, copyright (2011) Benjamin Stephens, GPL v2 see, is based on previous libraries:

QuadProg++, Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Luca Di Gaspero, MIT License. See

uQuadProg, Copyright (C) 2006 - 2017 Angelo Furfaro, LGPL v3, a port of QuadProg++ working with ublas data structures. See

QuadProg Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Gael Guennebaud, LGPL v3, a modification of uQuadProg, working with Eigen data structures. See


An object with S3 Class "FRESHD".


A pp vector containing the maximin aggregated parameter estimates.


Adam Lund, Benjamin Stephens, Gael Guennebaud, Angelo Furfaro, Luca Di Gaspero

Maintainer: Adam Lund,


Buhlmann, Peter and Meinshausen, Nicolai (2016). Magging: maximin aggregation for inhomogeneous large-scale data. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1, 104, 126-135

D. Goldfarb, A. Idnani. A numerically stable dual method for solving strictly convex quadratic programs (1983). Mathematical Programming, 27, 1-33.


##size of example
G <- 15; n <- c(50, 20, 13); p <- c(7, 5, 4)
nlambda <- 10

##marginal design matrices (Kronecker components)
x <- list()
for(i in 1:length(n)){
x[[i]] <- matrix(rnorm(n[i] * p[i], 0, 1), n[i], p[i])

##common features and effects
common_features <- rbinom(prod(p), 1, 0.1)
common_effects <- rnorm(prod(p), 0, 1) * common_features
##group response and fit
lambda <- exp(seq(-1, -4, length.out = nlambda))
magbeta <- matrix(0, prod(p), nlambda)
B <- array(NA, c(prod(p), G, nlambda))
y <- array(NA, c(n, G))
for(g in 1:G){
bg <- rnorm(prod(p), 0, 0.1) * (1 - common_features) + common_effects
Bg <- array(bg, p)
mu <- RH(x[[3]], RH(x[[2]], RH(x[[1]], Bg)))
y[,,, g] <- array(rnorm(prod(n)), dim = n) + mu
B[, g, ] <- glamlasso::glamlasso(x, y[,,, g], lambda = lambda)$coef

##maximin aggregation for all lambdas (models)
for(l in 1:dim(B)[3]){
magbeta[, l] <- magging(B[, , l])

##estimated common effects for specific lambda
modelno <- 10
betafit <- magbeta[, modelno]
plot(common_effects, type = "h", ylim = range(betafit, common_effects), col = "red")
lines(betafit, type = "h")

[Package FRESHD version 1.0 Index]