fuzzy.p.value {FPV}R Documentation

Testing hypotheses based on fuzzy hypotheses and fuzzy data: A fuzzy p-value approach


Function fuzzy.p.value can draw the membership function of the fuzzy p-value for the following three major problems which can be usually considered for the following tests in a fuzzy environment: (1) testing crisp hypotheses based on fuzzy data, (2) testing fuzzy hypotheses based on crisp data, and (3) testing fuzzy hypotheses based on fuzzy data. Also, one can consider a fuzzy significance of level for test by function fuzzy.p.value.


fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig = 0.05, p.value, knot.n=10, fig=c("1", "2", "3"), ...)



the observed value of the test statistic. t can take one of the following precise / non-precise values:

(1) crisp (real) value,

(2) triangular fuzzy number using function TriangularFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers,

(3) trapezoidal fuzzy number using function TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers,

(4) fuzzy number using function FuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers, and

(5) power fuzzy number using function PowerFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers.

More details about these functions are presented in (Gagolewski and Caha, 2015).


the boundary of the null hypothesis. H0b can take one of the following precise / non-precise values:

(1) crisp (real) value,

(2) triangular fuzzy number using function TriangularFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers,

(3) trapezoidal fuzzy number using function TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers,

(4) fuzzy number using function FuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers, and

(5) power fuzzy number using function PowerFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers.


the significance level of the test with defult sig = 0.05. sig can take one of the following precise / non-precise values:

(1) crisp (real) value,

(2) triangular fuzzy number using function TriangularFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers,

(3) trapezoidal fuzzy number using function TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers,

(4) fuzzy number using function FuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers, and

(5) power fuzzy number using function PowerFuzzyNumber from package FuzzyNumbers.

More details about these functions are presented in (Gagolewski and Caha, 2015).


the p-value of test in non-fuzzy environment which is a function from t and H0b


the number of knots with defult knot.n = 10; see package FuzzyNumbers


a numeric argument which can tack only values 1, 2 or 3.

If fig = 1, then just the membership function of fuzzy p-value will be shown in figure.

If fig = 2, then the membership functions of fuzzy p-value and fuzzy significance level will be shown in a figure.

If fig = 3, then three membership functions of tt, H0bH0b (inputted fuzzy numbers) and also the fuzzy p-value (outputted fuzzy number) are drawn in a figure.


additional arguments passed from plot


This function returns some information about the fuzzy p-value and also plot a figure for it.


returns the result of the test, i.e. returns the accepted hypothesis and also the acceptance degree of the accepted hypothesis


returns the α\alpha-cuts of the computed fuzzy p-value


returns the core of the computed fuzzy p-value


returns the support of the computed fuzzy p-value


returns a numeric value which is need for computing D(P>S)D(P>S) and D(S>P)D(S>P). For more details, see ΔPS\Delta _{PS} from (Parchami et al., 2012)


returns a numeric value which is need for computing D(P>S)D(P>S) and D(S>P)D(S>P). For more details, see ΔSP\Delta _{SP} from (Parchami et al., 2012)


returns a real number between zero and one which show the degree of believe to the sentence "fuzzy p-value is bigger than fuzzy significance level". For more details, see D(P>S)D(P>S) in (Parchami et al., 2012)


returns a real number between zero and one which show the degree of believe to the sentence "fuzzy significance level is bigger than fuzzy p-value". For more details, see D(P>S)D(P>S) in (Parchami et al., 2012)


returns the accepted hypothesis in the test. Returns "H0" iff the null hypothesis accepted, and returns "H1" iff the althernative hypothesis accepted


returns only the degree of acceptance for the accepted hypothesis in the test


Abbas Parchami

See Also

FuzzyNumbers FuzzyNumbers.Ext.2 Fuzzy.p.value



# Example 1: 
t <- FuzzyNumber(-0.5, .6, .8, 1,
  lower=function(alpha) qbeta(alpha,0.4,3),
  upper=function(alpha) (1-alpha)^4
H0b = PowerFuzzyNumber(.5,1.2,1.5,1.6, p.left=1, p.right=0.5) 
p.value = function(t,H0b) pt((t-H0b)/sqrt(1/9), df=8)
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig=.05, p.value, knot.n=20,  fig=1, lty=4, lwd=4, col=6)  
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig=.05, p.value, knot.n=20, fig=2)$result
sig = TriangularFuzzyNumber(0, .03, .30)
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig, p.value, knot.n=20, fig=2)$cuts #Only print alpha-cuts of fuzzy p-value

sig = TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber(0, .05, .05, .20)
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig, p.value, knot.n=20, fig=3, col=2)$accepted

fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig=0.05, p.value, knot.n=20, fig=3)

# Example 2: For working by some elements of  fuzzy p-value (continue of Example 1)
Fuzzy.p.value <- fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig=.05, fig=1, p.value, knot.n=4)
print( Fuzzy.p.value )

Fuzzy.p.value$core  #Core of fuzzy p-value
Fuzzy.p.value$support  #Support of fuzzy p-value

# Upper bounds of fuzzy p-value
Fuzzy.p.value$cuts[,"U"] #Or equivalently,  Fuzzy.p.value$cuts[,2]

# Example 3: (Exam 4.4 from persian p-value paper)
knot.n = 10
t = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1315, 1327, 1342)
H0b = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1275, 1300, 1325)
sig = TriangularFuzzyNumber(0, .05, .1)
p.value = function(t,H0b) 1-pnorm((t-H0b)/(120/6))
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig, p.value, knot.n, fig=3)

# Example 4: (Exam 4.5 from persian p-value paper, where X~P(12*lambda) )
knot.n = 200
t = TriangularFuzzyNumber(24, 27, 30)
H0b = TriangularFuzzyNumber(2.75, 3.25, 3.25)
sig = TriangularFuzzyNumber(0, .05, .1)
p.value = function(t,H0b) ppois(t, 12*H0b)
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig, p.value=p.value, knot.n, fig=2, lwd=2)
# Repeat example with knot.n=10 to give a non-precise result 

# Example 5: A new example
t <- FuzzyNumber(1, 1.4, 1.8, 2,
  lower=function(alpha) pbeta(alpha,2,1),
  upper=function(alpha) 1-sqrt(alpha)
H0b = TriangularFuzzyNumber(4,5,7) 
p.value = function(t,H0b) pt( (t-H0b)/sqrt(1/4), df=4)
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig=.1^3, p.value, knot.n=10, fig=3, col=2, lwd=2, xlim=c(0,.012)) 

# ---------- Examples of Springer fuzzy p-value paper ------------------

# Example 1 (Springer fuzzy p-value).
T1 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1257,1261,1278) 
T2 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1251,1287,1302) 
T3 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1315,1346,1372)
T4 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1306,1330,1348) 
T5 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1298,1329,1349) 
T6 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1288,1301,1320)
T7 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1298,1317,1333) 
T8 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1241,1269,1284) 
T9 = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1325,1353,1369)
T10= TriangularFuzzyNumber(1301,1337,1355)

t = 10^(-1)*(T1+T2+T3+T4+T5+T6+T7+T8+T9+T10)
t # T(1288,1313,1331)

plot(T1, add=FALSE, lwd=2, xlim=c(1230,1380))
plot(T2, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(T3, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(T4, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(T5, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(T6, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(T7, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(T8, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(T9, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(T10, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
plot(t, add=TRUE, col=2, lwd=4)

H0b = 1300
# T ~ N(1300,30^2/10)
p.value = function(t,H0b) pnorm( t, mean=1300, sd=30/sqrt(10), lower.tail=FALSE)
# Or equivalently
p.value = function(t,H0b) pnorm( (t-1300)/(30/sqrt(10)), lower.tail=FALSE)
sig = TriangularFuzzyNumber(0,0.05,0.1)
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig, p.value, knot.n=50, fig=2, lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1)) 

# Example 2. (continue of Example 1)
t = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1300,1313,1321)
p.value = function(t,H0b) 2 * pnorm( t, mean=1300, sd=30/sqrt(10), lower.tail=FALSE)
sig = TriangularFuzzyNumber(0,0.15,0.3)
fuzzy.p.value(t, H0b, sig, p.value, knot.n=50, fig=3, lwd=2) 

# Example 4 (Springer fuzzy p-value)  X ~ N(mu,sigma^2).
sigma =120
n = 36
x.bar <- 1327
H0b = TriangularFuzzyNumber(1275, 1300, 1325)
sig = TriangularFuzzyNumber(0, 0.15, 0.3)
p.value = function(x.bar,H0b) pnorm( x.bar, mean=H0b, sd=sigma/sqrt(n), lower.tail=FALSE)
fuzzy.p.value(x.bar, H0b, sig, p.value, knot.n=10, fig=2, lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1)) 

sig1 = PowerFuzzyNumber(0, 0.15, 0.15, 0.3, p.left=2, p.right=2)
plot(sig1, xlim=c(0,.6))
sig2 = PowerFuzzyNumber(0, 0.15, 0.15, 0.3, p.left=.5, p.right=.5)
plot(sig2, col=2, add=TRUE)
fuzzy.p.value(x.bar, H0b, sig1, p.value, knot.n=10, fig=2, lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1)) 
fuzzy.p.value(x.bar, H0b, sig2, p.value, knot.n=10, fig=2, lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1)) 

## The function is currently defined as
function (t, H0b, sig = 0.05, p.value, knot.n = 10, fig = c("1", 
    "2", "3"), ...) 
    if (fig == 1) {
        P = f2apply(t, H0b, p.value, knot.n = knot.n, type = "l", 
            I.O.plot = FALSE, ...)
    else {
        if (fig == 2) {
            P = f2apply(t, H0b, p.value, knot.n = knot.n, type = "l", 
                I.O.plot = FALSE, ...)
            if (class(sig) == "numeric") {
                abline(v = sig, col = 2, lty = 3)
            else {
                plot(sig, col = 2, lty = 3, add = TRUE)
            legend("topright", c("Fuzzy p-value", "Significance level"), 
                col = c(1, 2), text.col = 1, lwd = c(1, 1), lty = c(1, 3),
                bty = "n")
        else {
            if (fig == 3) {
                P = f2apply(t, H0b, p.value, knot.n = knot.n, 
                  type = "l", I.O.plot = TRUE, ...)
                x = t
                y = H0b
    if (class(sig) == "numeric") {
        sig <- TriangularFuzzyNumber(sig, sig, sig)
    P_L = P$cuts[, "L"]
    P_L = P_L[length(P_L):1]
    P_U = P$cuts[, "U"]
    P_U = P_U[length(P_U):1]
    S_L = alphacut(sig, round(seq(0, 1, len = knot.n), 5))[, 
    S_U = alphacut(sig, round(seq(0, 1, len = knot.n), 5))[, 
    Int1 = (P_U - S_L) * (P_U > S_L)
    Int2 = (P_L - S_U) * (P_L > S_U)
    Arz = 1/(knot.n - 1)
    Integral1 <- (sum(Int1) - Int1[1]/2 - Int1[length(Int1)]/2) * 
    Integral2 <- (sum(Int2) - Int2[1]/2 - Int2[length(Int2)]/2) * 
    Delta_PS = Integral1 + Integral2
    Int3 = (S_U - P_L) * (S_U > P_L)
    Int4 = (S_L - P_U) * (S_L > P_U)
    Integral3 <- (sum(Int3) - Int3[1]/2 - Int3[length(Int3)]/2) * 
    Integral4 <- (sum(Int4) - Int4[1]/2 - Int4[length(Int4)]/2) * 
    Delta_SP = Integral3 + Integral4
    Degree_P_biger_than_S = Delta_PS/(Delta_PS + Delta_SP)
    Degree_S_biger_than_P = 1 - Degree_P_biger_than_S
    if (Degree_P_biger_than_S >= Degree_S_biger_than_P) {
        result = noquote(paste("The null hypothesis (H0) is accepted with degree D(P>S)=", 
            round(Degree_P_biger_than_S, 4), ", at  the considered significance level."))
        accepted_hypothesis = noquote("H0")
        acceptance_degree = Degree_P_biger_than_S
    else {
        if (Degree_P_biger_than_S < Degree_S_biger_than_P) {
        result = noquote(paste("The althernative hypothesis (H1) is accepted with degree D(S>P)=",
                round(Degree_S_biger_than_P, 4), ", at  the considered significance level."))
            accepted_hypothesis = noquote("H1")
            acceptance_degree = Degree_S_biger_than_P
        else {
            print(noquote(paste0("Impossible case")))
    return(list(result = result, cuts = P$cuts, core = P$core, 
        support = P$support, Delta_PS = as.numeric(Delta_PS), 
        Delta_SP = as.numeric(Delta_SP), Degree_P_biger_than_S = as.numeric(Degree_P_biger_than_S),
        Degree_S_biger_than_P = as.numeric(Degree_S_biger_than_P), 
     accepted_hypothesis = accepted_hypothesis, acceptance_degree = as.numeric(acceptance_degree)))

[Package FPV version 0.5 Index]