FMradio-package |
Factor modeling for radiomic data |
autoFMradio |
Wrapper for automated workflow |
dimGB |
Assess the latent dimensionality using Guttman bounds |
dimIC |
Assess the latent dimensionality using information criteria |
dimLRT |
Assess the latent dimensionality using a likelihood ratio test |
dimVAR |
Assessing variances under factor solutions |
facScore |
Compute factor scores |
facSMC |
Evaluate the determinacy of factor scores |
FAsim |
Simulate data according to the common factor analytic model |
FMradio |
Factor modeling for radiomic data |
mlFA |
Maximum likelihood factor analysis |
radioHeat |
Visualize a (correlation) matrix as a heatmap |
regcor |
Regularized correlation matrix estimation |
RF |
Redundancy filtering of a square (correlation) matrix |
SA |
Calculate the KMO measure of feature-sampling adequacy |
Compare squared multiple correlations with model-based communalities |
subSet |
Subset a data matrix or expression set |