Gstable {FMStable}R Documentation

General Stable Distributions


A procedure based on the R function integrate for computing the distribution function for stable distributions which may be skew but have standard location and scale parameters. This computation is not fast.

It is not designed to work for alpha near to 1.


tailsGstable(x, logabsx, alpha, oneminusalpha, twominusalpha, 
  beta, betaplus1, betaminus1, parametrization, lower.tail=TRUE)



Value (scalar).


Logarithm of absolute value of x. Must be used when x is outside the range over which numbers can be stored. (e.g. 1.e-5000)


Value of parameter of stable distribution.


Value of alpha. This should be specified when alpha is near to 1 so that the difference from 1 is specified accurately.


Value of 2 - alpha. This should be specified when alpha is near to 2 so that the difference from 2 is specified accurately.


Value of parameter of stable distribution.


Value of beta + 1. This should be specified when beta is near to -1 so that the difference from -1 is specified accurately.


Value of beta - 1. This should be specified when beta is near to 1 so that the difference from 1 is specified accurately.


Parametrization: 0 for Zolotarev's M = Nolan S0, 1 for Zolotarev's A = Nolan S1 and 2 for Zolotarev's C = Chambers, Mallows and Stuck.


Logical: Whether the lower tail of the distribution is of primary interest. This parameter affects whether numerical integration is used for the lower or upper tail. The other tail is computed by subtraction.


Returns a list with the following components:


The probability distribution function. I.e. the probability of being less than or equal to x.


The probability of being larger than x.


An estimate of the computational error in the previous two numbers.


A message produced by R's standard integrate routine.


This code is included mainly as an illustration of a way to deal with the problem that different parametrizations are useful in different regions. It is also of some value for checking other code, particularly since it was not used as the basis for the interpolation tables.

For the C parametrization for alpha greater than 1, the parameter beta needs to be set to -1 for the distribution to be skewed to the right.


Chambers, J.M., Mallows, C.L. and Stuck, B.W. (1976) A method for simulating stable random variables. Journal of the American Statistical Association 71, 340–344.


# Check relationship between maximally skew and other stable distributions
# in paper by J.M. Chambers, C.L. Mallows and B.W. Stuck
alpha <- 1.9
beta <- -.5
k <- 1- abs(1-alpha)
denom <- sin(pi*k)
p <- (sin(.5*pi*k * (1+beta))/denom)^(1/alpha)
q <- (sin(.5*pi*k * (1-beta))/denom)^(1/alpha)
# Probability that p S1 - q S2 < x
S1 <- setParam(alpha=1.9, location=0, logscale =log(p), pm="C")
S2 <- setParam(alpha=1.9, location=0, logscale =log(q), pm="C")
S3 <- setParam(alpha=1.9, location=0, logscale =0, pm="C")
xgiven <- 1
f <- function(x) dEstable(x, S1) * pEstable(xgiven + x, S2)
print(integrate(f, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, rel.tol=1.e-12)$value, digits=16)
f <- function(x) dEstable(x, S3) * pEstable((xgiven + p*x)/q, S3)
print(integrate(f, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, rel.tol=1.e-8)$value, digits=16)
direct <- tailsGstable(x=xgiven, logabsx=log(xgiven),alpha=alpha,
  beta=beta, parametrization=2)
print(direct$left.tail.prob, digits=16)

# Compare Estable and Gstable
# List fractional discrepancies
disc <- function(tol){
  for(pm in pms) for (a in alphas) for(x in xs) {
    lx <- log(abs(x))
    beta <- if(pm==2 && a > 1) -1 else 1
    if(x > 0 || a > 1){
      a1 <- pEstable(x, setParam(alpha=a, location=0, logscale=0, pm=pm))
      a2 <- tailsGstable(x=x, logabsx=lx, alpha=a, beta=beta,
      print(paste("parametrization=", pm, "alpha=", a,"x=", x,
        "Frac disc=", a1/a2-1), quote=FALSE)

alphas <- c(.3, .8, 1.1, 1.5, 1.9)
pms <- 0:2
xs <- c(-2, .01, 4.3)

[Package FMStable version 0.1-4 Index]