The Fill-Mask Association Test

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Documentation for package ‘FMAT’ version 2024.4

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. A simple function equivalent to 'list'.
BERT_download Download and save BERT models to local cache folder.
BERT_vocab Check if mask words are in the model vocabulary.
FMAT_load (Down)Load BERT models (useless for GPU).
FMAT_query Prepare a data.table of queries and variables for the FMAT.
FMAT_query_bind Combine multiple query data.tables and renumber query ids.
FMAT_run Run the fill-mask pipeline on multiple models (CPU / GPU).
ICC_models Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of language models.
LPR_reliability Reliability analysis (Cronbach's alpha) of LPR.
summary.fmat [S3 method] Summarize the results for the FMAT.