Reconstruct Animal Paths from Solar Geolocation Loggers Data

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Documentation for package ‘FLightR’ version 0.5.5

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BAStag2TAGS Function to write down twilights annotated in BAStag package data in so-called TAGS format
find.stationary.location find unknown calibration location
find.times.distribution extracts times of arrival and departure to/from spatial extent
FLightR2Movebank Summary of estimated locations for Movebank
GeoLight2TAGS Function to write down twilights annotated in GeoLight package data in so-called TAGS format read TAGS formatted data
get_ZI_distances Estimate distances moved between twilights
make.calibration Creates a calibration object, further used for calculation of coordinates in the 'run.particle.filter'.
make.grid makes spatial grid
make.prerun.object combines data, calibration and sets up priors
map.FLightR.ggmap plots result over map
plot_likelihood plot likelihood surface over map
plot_lon_lat plots result by longitude and latitude
plot_slopes_by_location plots log of observed versus expected slope by time for a known location
plot_util_distr plots resulting track over map with uncertainty shown by space utilisation distribution
run.particle.filter Run Particle Filter
stationary.migration.summary find potential stationary periods and estimates their location and movement schedule
twGeos2TAGS Function to write down twilights annotated in twGeos package data in so-called TAGS format