FLLat {FLLat}R Documentation

Fused Lasso Latent Feature Model


Fits the Fused Lasso Latent Feature (FLLat) model for given values of JJ (the number of features), and λ1\lambda_1 and λ2\lambda_2 (the two fused lasso tuning parameters).


FLLat(Y, J=min(15,floor(ncol(Y)/2)), B="pc", lam1, lam2, thresh=10^(-4),
      maxiter=100, maxiter.B=1, maxiter.T=1)



A matrix of data from an aCGH experiment (usually in the form of log intensity ratios) or some other type of copy number data. Rows correspond to the probes and columns correspond to the samples.


The number of features in the FLLat model. The default is the smaller of either 1515 or the number of samples divided by 22.


The initial values for the features. Can be one of "pc" (the first J principal components of Y), "rand" (a random selection of J columns of Y), or a user specified matrix of initial values, where rows correspond to the probes and columns correspond to the features. The default is "pc".


The tuning parameter λ1\lambda_1 in the fused lasso penalty that controls the level of sparsity in the features.


The tuning parameter λ2\lambda_2 in the fused lasso penalty that controls the level of smoothness in the features.


The threshold for determining when the solutions have converged. The default is 10410^{-4}.


The maximum number of iterations for the outer loop of the algorithm. The default is 100100.


The maximum number of iterations for the inner loop of the algorithm for estimating the features BB. The default is 11. Increasing this may decrease the number of iterations for the outer loop but may still increase total run time.


The maximum number of iterations for the inner loop of the algorithm for estimating the weights Θ\Theta. The default is 11. Increasing this may decrease the number of iterations for the outer loop but may still increase total run time.


This function fits the Fused Lasso Latent Feature model to multi-sample aCGH data, as described in Nowak and others (2011), for given values of JJ, λ1\lambda_1 and λ2\lambda_2. Given aCGH data consisting of SS samples and LL probes, the model is given by:


where YY is an LL-by-SS matrix denoting the aCGH data (with samples in columns), BB is an LL-by-JJ matrix denoting the features (with features in columns), and Θ\Theta is a JJ-by-SS matrix denoting the weights. Each feature describes a pattern of copy number variation and the weights describe the composition of each sample. Specifically, each sample (column of YY) is modeled as a weighted sum of the features (columns of BB), with the weights given by the corresponding column of Θ\Theta.

The model is fitted by minimizing a penalized version of the residual sum of squares (RSS):

RSS+j=1JPENjRSS + \sum_{j=1}^J PEN_j

where the penalty is given by:

PENj=λ1l=1Lβlj+λ2l=2Lβljβl1,j.PEN_j = \lambda_1\sum_{l=1}^L\left|\beta_{lj}\right| + \lambda_2\sum_{l=2}^L\left|\beta_{lj} - \beta_{l-1,j}\right|.

Here βlj\beta_{lj} denotes the (l,j)(l,j)th element of BB. We also constrain the L2L_2 norm of each row of Θ\Theta to be less than or equal to 11.

For more details, please see Nowak and others (2011) and the package vignette.


An object of class FLLat with components:


The estimated features B^\hat{B}.


The estimated weights Θ^\hat{\Theta}.


The number of iterations taken by the algorithm (outer loop).


The residual sum of squares of the fitted model.


The BIC for the fitted model. See FLLat.BIC for more details.


The value of λ1\lambda_1 used in the model.


The value of λ2\lambda_2 used in the model.

There is a plot method and a predict method for FLLat objects.


Gen Nowak gen.nowak@gmail.com, Trevor Hastie, Jonathan R. Pollack, Robert Tibshirani and Nicholas Johnson.


G. Nowak, T. Hastie, J. R. Pollack and R. Tibshirani. A Fused Lasso Latent Feature Model for Analyzing Multi-Sample aCGH Data. Biostatistics, 2011, doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxr012

See Also

plot.FLLat, predict.FLLat, FLLat.BIC, FLLat.PVE, FLLat.FDR


## Load simulated aCGH data.

## Run FLLat for J = 5, lam1 = 1 and lam2 = 9.
result <- FLLat(simaCGH,J=5,lam1=1,lam2=9)

## Plot the estimated features.

## Plot a heatmap of the estimated weights.

[Package FLLat version 1.2-1 Index]