FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) Utilities

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Documentation for package ‘FITSio’ version 2.1-6

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FITSio-package FITS file input-output functions
addComment Modify and edit comments and 'keyword-value' pairs in FITS header
addHistory Modify and edit comments and 'keyword-value' pairs in FITS header
addKwv Modify and edit comments and 'keyword-value' pairs in FITS header
axVec Generate axis vector for image
closeHdr Format and close FITS header
delKwv Modify and edit comments and 'keyword-value' pairs in FITS header
FITSio FITS file input-output functions
makeFITSimHdr Generate header for FITS image
modifyHeader Modify and edit comments and 'keyword-value' pairs in FITS header
modVal Modify and edit comments and 'keyword-value' pairs in FITS header
newKwv Modify and edit comments and 'keyword-value' pairs in FITS header
parseHdr Parse FITS header
readFITS Read a single data set from a FITS file
readFITSarray Read an image (multi-dimensional array) from a FITS file
readFITSbintable Read a FITS binary table
readFITSheader Read a FITS header
readFITStable Read a FITS ASCII table
readFrameFromFITS Read a single data set from a FITS file into a data frame
writeFITSim Write a FITS image (multi-dimensional numeric array) to disk
writeFITSim16i Write a FITS image (multi-dimensional numeric array) to disk