FIT-package |
FIT: a statistical modeling tool for transcriptome dynamics under fluctuating field conditions |
convert.attribute |
Converts attribute data from a dataframe into an object. |
convert.expression |
converts expression data from a dataframe into an object. | |
Converts weather data from a dataframe into an object. |
convert.weight |
Converts regression weight data from a dataframe into an object. |
FIT: a statistical modeling tool for transcriptome dynamics under fluctuating field conditions |
fit.models |
A raw API for fixing linear regression coefficients. |
init |
A raw API for initializing model parameters. |
load.attribute |
Loads attribute data. |
load.expression |
Loads expression data. | |
Loads weather data. |
load.weight |
Loads regression weight data. |
make.recipe |
Creates a recipe for training models. |
make.trivial.weights |
Makes trivial weight data |
optim |
A raw API for optimizing model parameters. |
predict |
Predicts gene expressions using pretrained models. |
prediction.errors |
Computes the prediction errors using the trained models. |
train |
Constructs models following a recipe. |
weather.entries |
Supported weather factors. |