inwords {FFTrees}R Documentation

Provide a verbal description of an FFT


inwords generates and provides a verbal description of a fast-and-frugal tree (FFT) from an FFTrees object.

When data remains unspecified, inwords will only look up x$trees$inwords. When data is set to either "train" or "test", inwords first employs fftrees_ffttowords to re-generate the verbal descriptions of FFTs in x.


inwords(x, data = NULL, tree = 1)



An FFTrees object.


The type of data to which a tree is being applied (as character string "train" or "test"). Default: data = NULL will only look up x$trees$inwords.


The tree to display (as an integer).


A verbal description of an FFT (as a character string).

See Also

fftrees_ffttowords for converting FFTs into verbal descriptions; print.FFTrees for printing FFTs; plot.FFTrees for plotting FFTs; summary.FFTrees for summarizing FFTs; FFTrees for creating FFTs from and applying them to data.

[Package FFTrees version 2.0.0 Index]