FFTrees {FFTrees}R Documentation

Main function to create and apply fast-and-frugal trees (FFTs)


FFTrees is the workhorse function of the FFTrees package for creating fast-and-frugal trees (FFTs).

FFTs are decision algorithms for solving binary classification tasks, i.e., they predict the values of a binary criterion variable based on 1 or multiple predictor variables (cues).

Using FFTrees on data usually generates a range of FFTs and corresponding summary statistics (as an FFTrees object) that can then be printed, plotted, and examined further.

The criterion and predictor variables are specified in formula notation. Based on the settings of data and data.test, FFTs are trained on a (required) training dataset (given the set of current goal values) and evaluated on (or predict) an (optional) test dataset.

If an existing FFTrees object object or tree.definitions are provided as inputs, no new FFTs are created. When both arguments are provided, tree.definitions take priority over the FFTs in an existing object. Specifically,

Create and evaluate fast-and-frugal trees (FFTs).


  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  data.test = NULL,
  algorithm = "ifan",
  train.p = 1,
  goal = NULL,
  goal.chase = NULL,
  goal.threshold = NULL,
  max.levels = NULL,
  numthresh.method = "o",
  numthresh.n = 10,
  repeat.cues = TRUE,
  stopping.rule = "exemplars",
  stopping.par = 0.1,
  sens.w = 0.5,
  cost.outcomes = NULL,
  cost.cues = NULL,
  main = NULL,
  decision.labels = c("False", "True"),
  my.goal = NULL,
  my.goal.fun = NULL,
  my.tree = NULL,
  object = NULL,
  tree.definitions = NULL,
  do.comp = TRUE,
  do.cart = TRUE,
  do.lr = TRUE,
  do.rf = TRUE,
  do.svm = TRUE,
  quiet = list(ini = TRUE, fin = FALSE, mis = FALSE, set = TRUE),
  comp = NULL,
  force = NULL,
  rank.method = NULL,
  rounding = NULL,
  store.data = NULL,
  verbose = NULL



A formula. A formula specifying a binary criterion variable (as logical) as a function of 1 or more predictor variables (cues).


A data frame. A dataset used for training (fitting) FFTs and alternative algorithms. data must contain the binary criterion variable specified in formula and potential predictors (which can be categorical or numeric variables).


A data frame. An optional dataset used for model testing (prediction) with the same structure as data.


A character string. The algorithm used to create FFTs. Can be 'ifan', 'dfan'.


numeric. What percentage of the data to use for training when data.test is not specified? For example, train.p = .50 will randomly split data into a 50% training set and a 50% test set. Default: train.p = 1 (i.e., using all data for training).


A character string indicating the statistic to maximize when selecting trees: "acc" = overall accuracy, "bacc" = balanced accuracy, "wacc" = weighted accuracy, "dprime" = discriminability, "cost" = costs (based on cost.outcomes and cost.cues).


A character string indicating the statistic to maximize when constructing trees: "acc" = overall accuracy, "bacc" = balanced accuracy, "wacc" = weighted accuracy, "dprime" = discriminability, "cost" = costs (based on cost.outcomes and cost.cues).


A character string indicating the criterion to maximize when optimizing cue thresholds: "acc" = overall accuracy, "bacc" = balanced accuracy, "wacc" = weighted accuracy, "dprime" = discriminability, "cost" = costs (based only on cost.outcomes, as cost.cues are constant per cue). All default goals are set in fftrees_create.


integer. The maximum number of nodes (or levels) considered for an FFT. As all combinations of possible exit structures are considered, larger values of max.levels will create larger sets of FFTs.


How should thresholds for numeric cues be determined (as character)? "o" will optimize thresholds (for goal.threshold), while "m" will use the median. Default: numthresh.method = "o".


The number of numeric thresholds to try (as integer). Default: numthresh.n = 10.


May cues occur multiple times within a tree (as logical)? Default: repeat.cues = TRUE.


A character string indicating the method to stop growing trees. Available options are:

  • "exemplars": A tree grows until only a small proportion of unclassified exemplars remain;

  • "levels": A tree grows until a certain level is reached;

  • "statdelta": A tree grows until the change in the criterion statistic goal.chase exceeds some threshold level. (This setting is currently experimental and includes the first level beyond threshold. As tree statistics can be non-monotonic, this option may yield inconsistent results.)

All stopping methods use stopping.par to set a numeric threshold value. Default: stopping.rule = "exemplars".


numeric. A numeric parameter indicating the criterion value for the current stopping.rule. For stopping.rule "levels", this is the number of desired levels (as an integer). For stopping rule "exemplars", this is the smallest proportion of exemplars allowed in the last level. For stopping.rule "statdelta", this is the minimum required change (in the goal.chase value) to include a level. Default: stopping.par = .10.


A numeric value from 0 to 1 indicating how to weight sensitivity relative to specificity when optimizing weighted accuracy (e.g., goal = 'wacc'). Default: sens.w = .50 (i.e., wacc corresponds to bacc).


A list of length 4 specifying the cost value for one of the 4 possible classification outcomes. The list elements must be named 'hi', 'fa', 'mi', and 'cr' (for specifying the costs of a hit, false alarm, miss, and correct rejection, respectively) and provide a numeric cost value. E.g.; cost.outcomes = listc("hi" = 0, "fa" = 10, "mi" = 20, "cr" = 0) imposes false alarm and miss costs of 10 and 20 units, respectively, while correct decisions have no costs.


A list containing the cost of each cue (in some common unit). Each list element must have a name corresponding to a cue (i.e., a variable in data), and should be a single (positive numeric) value. Cues in data that are not present in cost.cues are assumed to have no costs (i.e., a cost value of 0).


string. An optional label for the dataset. Passed on to other functions, like plot.FFTrees, and print.FFTrees.


A vector of strings of length 2 for the text labels for negative and positive decision/prediction outcomes (i.e., left vs. right, noise vs. signal, 0 vs. 1, respectively, as character). E.g.; decision.labels = c("Healthy", "Diseased").


The name of an optimization measure defined by my.goal.fun (as a character string). Example: my.goal = "my_acc" (see my.goal.fun for corresponding function). Default: my.goal = NULL.


The definition of an outcome measure to optimize, defined as a function of the frequency counts of the 4 basic classification outcomes hi, fa, mi, cr (i.e., an R function with 4 arguments hi, fa, mi, cr). Example: my.goal.fun = function(hi, fa, mi, cr){(hi + cr)/(hi + fa + mi + cr)} (i.e., accuracy). Default: my.goal.fun = NULL.


A verbal description of an FFT, i.e., an "FFT in words" (as character string). For example, my.tree = "If age > 20, predict TRUE. If sex = {m}, predict FALSE. Otherwise, predict TRUE.".


An optional existing FFTrees object. When specified, no new FFTs are fitted, but existing trees are applied to data and data.test. When formula, data or data.test are not specified, the current values of object are used.


An optional data.frame of hard-coded FFT definitions (in the format of x$trees$definitions of an FFTrees object x). If specified, no new FFTs are being fitted (i.e., algorithm and functions for evaluating cues and creating FFTs are skipped). Instead, the tree definitions provided are used to re-evaluate the current FFTrees object on current data.

do.comp, do.lr, do.cart, do.svm, do.rf

Should alternative algorithms be used for comparison (as logical)? All options are set to TRUE by default. Available options correspond to:

  • do.lr: Logistic regression (LR, using glm from stats with family = "binomial");

  • do.cart: Classification and regression trees (CART, using rpart from rpart);

  • do.svm: Support vector machines (SVM, using svm from e1071);

  • do.rf: Random forests (RF, using randomForest from randomForest.

Specifying do.comp = FALSE sets all available options to FALSE.


A list of 4 logical arguments: Should detailed progress reports be suppressed? Setting list elements to FALSE is helpful when diagnosing errors. Default: quiet = list(ini = TRUE, fin = FALSE, mis = FALSE, set = TRUE), for initial vs. final steps, missing cases, and parameter settings, respectively. Providing a single logical value sets all elements to TRUE or FALSE.

comp, force, rank.method, rounding, store.data, verbose

Deprecated arguments (unused or replaced, to be retired in future releases).


An FFTrees object with the following elements:


The name of the binary criterion variable (as character).


The names of all potential predictor variables (cues) in the data (as character).


The formula specified when creating the FFTs.


A list of FFTs created, with further details contained in n, best, definitions, inwords, stats, level_stats, and decisions.


The original training and test data (if available).


A list of defined control parameters (e.g.; algorithm, goal, sens.w, as well as various thresholds, stopping rule, and cost parameters).


Models and classification statistics for competitive classification algorithms: Logistic regression (lr), classification and regression trees (cart), random forests (rf), and support vector machines (svm).


A list of cue information, with further details contained in thresholds and stats.

See Also

print.FFTrees for printing FFTs; plot.FFTrees for plotting FFTs; summary.FFTrees for summarizing FFTs; inwords for obtaining a verbal description of FFTs; showcues for plotting cue accuracies.


# 1. Create fast-and-frugal trees (FFTs) for heart disease:
heart.fft <- FFTrees(formula = diagnosis ~ .,
                     data = heart.train,
                     data.test = heart.test,
                     main = "Heart Disease",
                     decision.labels = c("Healthy", "Diseased")

# 2. Print a summary of the result:
heart.fft  # same as:
# print(heart.fft, data = "train", tree = "best.train")

# 3. Plot an FFT applied to training data:
plot(heart.fft)  # same as:
# plot(heart.fft, what = "all", data = "train", tree = "best.train")

# 4. Apply FFT to (new) testing data:
plot(heart.fft, data = "test")            # predict for Tree 1
plot(heart.fft, data = "test", tree = 2)  # predict for Tree 2

# 5. Predict classes and probabilities for new data:
predict(heart.fft, newdata = heartdisease)
predict(heart.fft, newdata = heartdisease, type = "prob")

# 6. Create a custom tree (from verbal description) with my.tree:
custom.fft <- FFTrees(
  formula = diagnosis ~ .,
  data = heartdisease,
  my.tree = "If age < 50, predict False.
             If sex = 1, predict True.
             If chol > 300, predict True, otherwise predict False.",
  main = "My custom FFT")

# Plot the (pretty bad) custom tree:

[Package FFTrees version 2.0.0 Index]