computeAlpha {FFD}R Documentation

FUNCTION to compute the herd-based alpha-errors (= 1 - herd sensitivity).


For a vector of herd sizes the herd-based alpha-errors (= 1-herd sensitivity) are computed for either limited or individual sampling; see Ziller et al.


computeAlpha(nAnimalVec, method, sampleSizeLtd, herdSensitivity, 
    intraHerdPrevalence, diagSensitivity, diagSpecificity = 1)



Integer vector. Stock sizes of the herds.


Character string. "individual" for individual sampling or "limited" for limited sampling.


Integer. Required only if method == "limited". Sample size for limited sampling, i.e., for each herd sampleSizeLtd animals are tested, or of the herd contains less than sampleSizeLtd animals the entire herd is tested.


Numeric between 0 and 1. Required only if method == "individual". Desired (minimal) hed sensitivity for individual sampling. The number of animals to test per herd is determined according to that value.


Numeric between 0 and 1. Intra-herd prevalence. The number of diseased animals per herd is computed as max(1,round(intraHerdPrevalence*nAnimalVec)) (it is assumed that at least one animal is diseased).


Numeric between 0 and 1. Sensitivity (= probability of a testpositive result, given the tested individual is diseased) of the diagnostic test.


Numeric between 0 and 1. Specificity (= probability of a testnegative result, given the tested individual is not diseased) of the diagnostic test. The default value is 1, i.e., perfect specificity, and is recommended.


Returns a vector containing the herd-based alpha-errors, where each entry in the vector corresponds to an entry in the input argument nAnimalVec.


Ian Kopacka <>


M. Ziller, T. Selhorst, J. Teuffert, M. Kramer and H. Schlueter, "Analysis of sampling strategies to substantiate freedom from disease in large areas", Prev. Vet. Med. 52 (2002), pp. 333-343.

See Also

Is used in the method sample for classes IndSampling and LtdSampling.


## Compute the herd sensitivities usinh limited sampling:
alphaVec <- computeAlpha(nAnimalVec = sheepData$nSheep, 
    method = "limited", sampleSizeLtd = 7, 
    intraHerdPrevalence = 0.2, diagSensitivity = 0.9)

[Package FFD version 1.0-9 Index]