Fixed Effects Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood Models

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Documentation for package ‘FENmlm’ version 2.4.4

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FENmlm-package Fixed Effects Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood Models
AIC.femlm Aikake's an information criterion
BIC.femlm Bayesian information criterion
coef.femlm Extracts the coefficients from a femlm fit
coefficients.femlm Extracts the coefficients from a femlm fit
confint.femlm Confidence interval for parameters estimated with femlm
diagnostic Collinearity diagnostics for femlm objects
femlm Fixed effects maximum likelihood models
FENmlm Fixed Effects Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood Models
fitted.femlm Extracts fitted values from a femlm fit
fitted.values.femlm Extracts fitted values from a femlm fit
formula.femlm Extract the formula of a femlm fit
getFE Extract the Fixed-Effects from a 'femlm' estimation.
logLik.femlm Extracts the log-likelihood
model.matrix.femlm Design matrix of a femlm model
nobs.femlm Extract the number of observations form a femlm object
obs2remove Finds observations to be removed from ML estimation with factors/clusters
plot.femlm.allClusters Displaying the most notable fixed-effects
predict.femlm Predict method for femlm fits
print.femlm A print facility for 'femlm' objects. It can compute different types of standard errors.
print.femlm.obs2remove Print method for femlm.obs2remove objects
res2table Facility to display the results of multiple 'femlm' estimations.
res2tex Facility to export the results of multiple 'femlm' estimations in a Latex table.
resid.femlm Extracts residuals from a femlm object
residuals.femlm Extracts residuals from a femlm object
summary.femlm Summary of a 'femlm' object. Computes different types of standard errors.
summary.femlm.allClusters Summary method for cluster coefficients
trade Trade data sample
update.femlm Updates a femlm estimation
vcov.femlm Extract the variance/covariance of a femlm fit