bootstrapCI {FDboost} | R Documentation |
Function to compute bootstrap confidence intervals
The model is fitted on bootstrapped samples of the data to compute bootstrapped coefficient estimates. To determine the optimal stopping iteration an inner bootstrap is run within each bootstrap fold. As estimation by boosting shrinks the coefficient estimates towards zero, to bootstrap confidence intervals are biased towards zero.
which = NULL,
resampling_fun_outer = NULL,
resampling_fun_inner = NULL,
B_outer = 100,
B_inner = 25,
type_inner = c("bootstrap", "kfold", "subsampling"),
levels = c(0.05, 0.95),
verbose = TRUE,
object |
a fitted model object of class |
which |
a subset of base-learners to take into account for computing confidence intervals. |
resampling_fun_outer |
function for the outer resampling procedure.
resampling_fun_inner |
function for the inner resampling procudure,
which determines the optimal stopping iteration in each fold of the
outer resampling procedure. Should be a function with one argument
B_outer |
Number of resampling folds in the outer loop.
Argument is overwritten, when a custom |
B_inner |
Number of resampling folds in the inner loop.
Argument is overwritten, when a custom |
type_inner |
character argument for specifying the cross-validation method for
the inner resampling level. Default is |
levels |
the confidence levels required. If NULL, the raw results are returned. |
verbose |
if |
... |
further arguments passed to |
A list containing the elements raw_results
, the
and mstops
In raw_results
and quantiles
, each baselearner
selected with which
in turn corresponds to a list
element. The quantiles are given as vector, matrix or list of
matrices depending on the nature of the effect. In case of functional
effects the list element inquantiles
is a length(levels)
matrix, i.e. the rows correspond to the quantiles.
In case of coefficient surfaces, quantiles
comprises a list of matrices,
where each list element corresponds to a quantile.
Note that parallelization can be achieved by defining
the resampling_fun_outer
or _inner
See, e.g., cvrisk
on how to parallelize resampling
functions or the examples below. Also note that by defining
a custum inner or outer resampling function the respective
argument B_inner
or B_outer
is ignored.
For models with complex baselearners, e.g., created by combining
several baselearners with the Kronecker or row-wise tensor product,
it is also recommended to use levels = NULL
in order to
let the function return the raw results and then manually compute
confidence intervals.
If a baselearner is not selected in any fold, the function
treats its effect as constantly zero.
David Ruegamer, Sarah Brockhaus
# model with linear functional effect, use bsignal()
# Y(t) = f(t) + \int X1(s)\beta(s,t)ds + eps
data1 <- pffrSim(scenario = "ff", n = 40)
data1$X1 <- scale(data1$X1, scale = FALSE)
dat_list <- as.list(data1)
dat_list$t <- attr(data1, "yindex")
dat_list$s <- attr(data1, "xindex")
## model fit by FDboost
m1 <- FDboost(Y ~ 1 + bsignal(x = X1, s = s, knots = 8, df = 3),
timeformula = ~ bbs(t, knots = 8), data = dat_list)
# a short toy example with to few folds
# and up to 200 boosting iterations
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1[200], B_inner = 2, B_outer = 5)
# look at stopping iterations
# plot bootstrapped coefficient estimates
plot(bootCIs, ask = FALSE)
my_inner_fun <- function(object){
cvrisk(object, folds = cvLong(id = object$id, weights =
model.weights(object), B = 2) # 10-fold for inner resampling
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, resampling_fun_inner = my_inner_fun,
B_outer = 5) # small B_outer to speed up
## We can also use the ... argument to parallelize the applyFolds
## function in the outer resampling
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, B_inner = 5, B_outer = 3)
## Now let's parallelize the outer resampling and use
## crossvalidation instead of bootstrap for the inner resampling
my_inner_fun <- function(object){
cvrisk(object, folds = cvLong(id = object$id, weights =
model.weights(object), type = "kfold", # use CV
B = 5, # 5-fold for inner resampling
)) # use five cores
# use applyFolds for outer function to avoid messing up weights
my_outer_fun <- function(object, fun){
applyFolds(object = object,
folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(object$id))),
type = "bootstrap", B = 10), fun = fun) # parallelize on 10 cores
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, resampling_fun_inner = my_inner_fun,
resampling_fun_outer = my_outer_fun,
B_inner = 5, B_outer = 10)
######## Example for scalar-on-function-regression with bsignal()
data("fuelSubset", package = "FDboost")
## center the functional covariates per observed wavelength
fuelSubset$UVVIS <- scale(fuelSubset$UVVIS, scale = FALSE)
fuelSubset$NIR <- scale(fuelSubset$NIR, scale = FALSE)
## to make mboost:::df2lambda() happy (all design matrix entries < 10)
## reduce range of argvals to [0,1] to get smaller integration weights
fuelSubset$uvvis.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (uvvis.lambda - min(uvvis.lambda)) /
(max(uvvis.lambda) - min(uvvis.lambda) ))
fuelSubset$nir.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (nir.lambda - min(nir.lambda)) /
(max(nir.lambda) - min(nir.lambda) ))
## model fit with scalar response and two functional linear effects
## include no intercept as all base-learners are centered around 0
mod2 <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE)
+ bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df=4, check.ident = FALSE),
timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset)
# takes some time, because of defaults: B_outer = 100, B_inner = 25
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(mod2, B_outer = 10, B_inner = 5)
# in practice, rather set B_outer = 1000