exoplanet {FBMS} | R Documentation |
Excerpt from the Open Exoplanet Catalogue data set
Data fields include planet and host star attributes.
A data frame with 223 rows and 11 variables
The variables are as follows:
TypeFlag: Flag indicating the type of data
PlanetaryMassJpt: Mass of the planetary object in Jupiter masses
RadiusJpt: Radius of the planetary object in Jupiter radii
PeriodDays: Orbital period of the planetary object in days
SemiMajorAxisAU: Semi-major axis of the planetary object's orbit in astronomical units
Eccentricity: Eccentricity of the planetary object's orbit
HostStarMassSlrMass: Mass of the host star in solar masses
HostStarRadiusSlrRad: Radius of the host star in solar radii
HostStarMetallicity: Metallicity of the host star
HostStarTempK: Effective temperature of the host star in Kelvin
PlanetaryDensJpt: Density of the planetary object up to a constant
Dataset downloaded from the Open Exoplanet Catalogue Repository. https://github.com/OpenExoplanetCatalogue/oec_tables/
Prof. Hanno Rein, Department for Physical and Environmental Sciences. University of Toronto at Scarborough Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 hanno.rein 'at' utoronto.ca