Factor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) : Simultaneous Tests under Dependence in High-Dimensional Data

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Documentation for package ‘FAMT’ version 2.6

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FAMT-package Factor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) : simultaneous tests under dependence in high-dimensional data
annotations Gene annotations data frame
as.FAMTdata Create a 'FAMTdata' object from an expression, covariates and annotations dataset
covariates Covariates data frame
defacto FAMT factors description
emfa Factor Analysis model adjustment with the EM algorithm
expression Gene expressions data frame
FAMT Factor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) : simultaneous tests under dependence in high-dimensional data
modelFAMT The FAMT complete multiple testing procedure
nbfactors Estimation of the optimal number of factors of the FA model
pi0FAMT Estimation of the Proportion of True Null Hypotheses
raw.pvalues Calculation of classical multiple testing statistics and p-values
residualsFAMT Calculation of residual under null hypothesis
summaryFAMT Summary of a FAMTdata or a FAMTmodel