ExtDist-package | Extended Probability Distribution Functions |
AIC.eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
AICc | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
AICc.eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
bestDist | Finding the best distribution for a (weighted) sample. |
Beta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
Beta_ab | The four-parameter beta distribution. |
BIC | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
BIC.eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
Burr | The Burr Distribution. |
compareDist | Compare a sample to one or more fitted distributions |
dBeta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
dBeta_ab | The four-parameter beta distribution. |
dBurr | The Burr Distribution. |
dExp | The Exponential Distribution. |
dGamma | The Gamma Distribution. |
dGumbel | The Gumbel distribution |
DistSelCriteria | Distribution Selection Criteria. |
dJohnsonSB | The Johnson SB distribution. |
dJohnsonSB_ab | The Johnson SB distribution. |
dJohnsonSU | The Johnson SU distribution. |
dLaplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
dLogistic | The Logistic Distribution. |
dNormal | The Normal Distribution. |
dNormal_sym_trunc_ab | The symmetric truncated normal distribution. |
dNormal_trunc_ab | The truncated normal distribution. |
dSRTB_ab | The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution. |
dSSRTB | The standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SSRTB) distribution. |
dTriangular | The Triangular Distribution. |
dUniform | The Uniform Distribution. |
dWeibull | The Weibull Distribution. |
eBeta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
eBeta_ab | The four-parameter beta distribution. |
eBurr | The Burr Distribution. |
eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
eExp | The Exponential Distribution. |
eGamma | The Gamma Distribution. |
eGumbel | The Gumbel distribution |
eJohnsonSB | The Johnson SB distribution. |
eJohnsonSU | The Johnson SU distribution. |
eLaplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
eLogistic | The Logistic Distribution. |
eNormal | The Normal Distribution. |
eNormal_sym_trunc_ab | The symmetric truncated normal distribution. |
eNormal_trunc_ab | The truncated normal distribution. |
eSRTB_ab | The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution. |
eSSRTB | The standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SSRTB) distribution. |
eTriangular | The Triangular Distribution. |
eUniform | The Uniform Distribution. |
eval.estimation | Parameter Estimation Evaluation. |
eWeibull | The Weibull Distribution. |
Exponential | The Exponential Distribution. |
ExtDist | Extended Probability Distribution Functions |
Gamma | The Gamma Distribution. |
Gumbel | The Gumbel distribution |
iBeta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
iExp | The Exponential Distribution. |
iLaplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
iNormal | The Normal Distribution. |
JohnsonSB | The Johnson SB distribution. |
JohnsonSU | The Johnson SU distribution. |
Laplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
lBeta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
lBeta_ab | The four-parameter beta distribution. |
lBurr | The Burr Distribution. |
lExp | The Exponential Distribution. |
lGamma | The Gamma Distribution. |
lGumbel | The Gumbel distribution |
lJohnsonSB | The Johnson SB distribution. |
lJohnsonSU | The Johnson SU distribution. |
lLaplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
lLogistic | The Logistic Distribution. |
lNormal | The Normal Distribution. |
lNormal_sym_trunc_ab | The symmetric truncated normal distribution. |
lNormal_trunc_ab | The truncated normal distribution. |
Logistic | The Logistic Distribution. |
logLik.eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
lSRTB_ab | The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution. |
lSSRTB | The standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SSRTB) distribution. |
lTriangular | The Triangular Distribution. |
lUniform | The Uniform Distribution. |
lWeibull | The Weibull Distribution. |
MDL | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
MDL.eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
Normal | The Normal Distribution. |
Normal_sym_trunc_ab | The symmetric truncated normal distribution. |
Normal_trunc_ab | The truncated normal distribution. |
pBeta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
pBeta_ab | The four-parameter beta distribution. |
pBurr | The Burr Distribution. |
pExp | The Exponential Distribution. |
pGamma | The Gamma Distribution. |
pGumbel | The Gumbel distribution |
pJohnsonSB | The Johnson SB distribution. |
pJohnsonSU | The Johnson SU distribution. |
pLaplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
pLogistic | The Logistic Distribution. |
plot.eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
pNormal | The Normal Distribution. |
pNormal_sym_trunc_ab | The symmetric truncated normal distribution. |
pNormal_trunc_ab | The truncated normal distribution. |
print.eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
pSRTB_ab | The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution. |
pSSRTB | The standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SSRTB) distribution. |
pTriangular | The Triangular Distribution. |
pUniform | The Uniform Distribution. |
pWeibull | The Weibull Distribution. |
qBeta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
qBeta_ab | The four-parameter beta distribution. |
qBurr | The Burr Distribution. |
qExp | The Exponential Distribution. |
qGamma | The Gamma Distribution. |
qGumbel | The Gumbel distribution |
qJohnsonSB | The Johnson SB distribution. |
qJohnsonSU | The Johnson SU distribution. |
qLaplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
qLogistic | The Logistic Distribution. |
qNormal | The Normal Distribution. |
qNormal_sym_trunc_ab | The symmetric truncated normal distribution. |
qNormal_trunc_ab | The truncated normal distribution. |
qSRTB_ab | The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution. |
qSSRTB | The standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SSRTB) distribution. |
qTriangular | The Triangular Distribution. |
qUniform | The Uniform Distribution. |
qWeibull | The Weibull Distribution. |
rBeta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
rBeta_ab | The four-parameter beta distribution. |
rBurr | The Burr Distribution. |
rExp | The Exponential Distribution. |
rGamma | The Gamma Distribution. |
rGumbel | The Gumbel distribution |
rJohnsonSB | The Johnson SB distribution. |
rJohnsonSU | The Johnson SU distribution. |
rLaplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
rLogistic | The Logistic Distribution. |
rNormal | The Normal Distribution. |
rNormal_sym_trunc_ab | The symmetric truncated normal distribution. |
rNormal_trunc_ab | The truncated normal distribution. |
rSRTB_ab | The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution. |
rSSRTB | The standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SSRTB) distribution. |
rTriangular | The Triangular Distribution. |
rUniform | The Uniform Distribution. |
rWeibull | The Weibull Distribution. |
sBeta | The Standard Beta Distribution. |
sBeta_ab | The four-parameter beta distribution. |
sExp | The Exponential Distribution. |
sLaplace | The Laplace Distribution. |
sNormal | The Normal Distribution. |
SRTB_ab | The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution. |
SSRTB | The standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SSRTB) distribution. |
sSRTB_ab | The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution. |
Triangular | The Triangular Distribution. |
Uniform | The Uniform Distribution. |
vcov.eDist | S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects. |
Weibull | The Weibull Distribution. |
wmle | Weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. |