QMLEEstim {ExGaussEstim}R Documentation

Ex-Gaussian Quantile Maximum Likelihood Estimate


Estimates the mu, sigma, and tau parameters of an ex-Gaussian distribution. 3 different algorithms can be used : neldermead ('NEMD'), fminsearch ('FMIN') and nlminb ('NLMI').


QMLEEstim(y, func)



the data. Must be a vector with no missing values


the function selected for the estimation. 'NEMD' for neldermead, 'FMIN' for fminsearch, and 'NLMI' for nlminb.


QMLEEstim() returns an object "valEstim" which is a list with components: estimates of mu, sigma, and tau


Brown, S., & Heathcote, A. (2003). QMLE: Fast, robust, and efficient estimation of distribution functions based on quantiles. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 35, 485-492.

McCormack, P. D., & Wright, N. M. (1964). The positive skew observed in reaction time distributions. Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie, 18, 43-51.

Van Zandt, T. (2000). How to fit a response time distribution. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7, 424-465.

El Haj, A., Slaoui, Y., Solier, C., & Perret, C. (2021). Bayesian Estimation of The Ex-Gaussian distribution. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 9(4), 809-819.

Gilks, W. R., Best, N. G., & Tan, K. K. C. (1995). Adaptive rejection Metropolis sampling within Gibbs sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 44, 455-472.


data<-rexGAUS(n=100, mu = 500, sigma = 150, nu = 100)
QMLEEstim(data, 'NEMD')

[Package ExGaussEstim version 0.1.2 Index]