climatch_sum {Euclimatch}R Documentation

Climatch Summary Score


A summarized climatch score within the recipient region to a source region. Provides the percentage of climate data points in the recipient region equal to or above a specified score (default is 6), or the mean climatch score across the whole recipient region. Note no floor function is used as in Crombie et al. (2008)


climatch_sum(recipient, source, globvar, type = "perc", threshold = 6)



A data.frame or list of data.frames of climatic variables for the recipient region.


A data.frame or list of data.frames of climatic variables for the source region.


A vector of the global variance of each climate variable.


Specifies the type of summary score to use. "perc" (default) specifies a percent climatch score representing the number of grid cells above or equal to a given value specified with the 'thershold' argument. "mean" provides the mean climatch score across the recipient region.


The climatch score to use in calculating the percentage match, which is the number of grid cells within the recipient region with a climatch >= the threshold (default is 6).


A numeric value, vector or data.frame of the percentage of climatch scores within the recipient region(s) >= a threshold value, or the mean climatch score across the region(s).


Predicting invasiveness of species in trade: climate match, trophic guild and fecundity influence establishment and impact of non-native freshwater fishes"<doi:10.1111/ddi.12391>


i <-, min=1, max=20), nrow=60)) # Fake source climate data
j <-, min=10, max=40), nrow=100)) # Fake recipient data
variance <- c(600, 800, 450) # Fake global variance

climatch_sum(recipient = j, source = i, globvar = variance, type = "perc", threshold = 6)

[Package Euclimatch version 1.0.1 Index]