EstCRM {EstCRM}R Documentation

Calibrating Parameters for the Samejima's Continuous Response Model


This package includes the tools to estimate model parameters for the Samejima's Continuous Response Model (CRM) via marginal maximum likelihood estimation and EM algorithm, to compute item fit residual statistics, to draw empirical 3D item category response curves, to draw theoretical 3D item category response curves, and to generate data under the CRM for simulation studies.


Package: EstCRM
Type: Package
Version: 1.5
Date: 2022-06-13
License: GPL-2
LazyLoad: yes

The package can be used to estimate item parameters by using EstCRMitem, to estimate person ability parameters by using EstCRMperson, to compute the item fit residual statistics after parameter calibration by using fitCRM, to draw empirical 3D item category response curves by using fitCRM, to draw theoretical 3D item category response curves by using plotCRM, and to generate data under the Continuous Response Model for the simulation studies by using simCRM.


Cengiz Zopluoglu

Maintainer: Cengiz Zopluoglu <>


Kan, A.(2009). Effect of scale response format on psychometric properties in teaching self-efficacy. Euroasian Journal of Educational Research, 34, 215-228.

Ferrando, P.J.(2002). Theoretical and Empirical Comparison between Two Models for Continuous Item Responses. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 37(4), 521-542.

Samejima, F.(1973). Homogeneous Case of the Continuous Response Model. Psychometrika, 38(2), 203-219.

Shojima, K.(2005). A Noniterative Item Parameter Solution in Each EM Cycyle of the Continuous Response Model. Educational Technology Research, 28, 11-22.

Wang, T. & Zeng, L.(1998). Item Parameter Estimation for a Continuous Response Model Using an EM Algorithm. Applied Psychological Measurement, 22(4), 333-343.

See Also

EstCRMitem for estimating item parameters, EstCRMperson for estimating person parameters, fitCRM for computing item-fit residual statistics and drawing empirical 3D item category response curves, plotCRM for drawing theoretical 3D item category response curves, simCRM for simulating data under CRM.

[Package EstCRM version 1.6 Index]