aggAtlasExport |
Aggregate filtered final Atlas export |
AlgoParam |
List of datasets containing the Farrington Flexible and GLRNB default parameters by time unit |
algoSD |
Build algo object |
cleanAtlasExport |
Clean the Atlas export dataframe |
filterAtlasExport |
Filter clean Atlas export |
importAtlasExport |
Import ECDC Atlas export file (csv) |
plotSD |
Plot the Signal Detection time series |
runEpiSDApp |
Run the EpiSignalDectection 'shiny' application |
runEpiSDReport |
Run the EpiSignalDetection report (HTML markdown) |
SignalData |
Dataset for Signal Detection Analysis, reported cases, 1999-2018 (ECDC Atlas export) |
stsSD |
Build sts object |
studyPeriod |
Compute the study period |