AERparams |
Dataset describing the parameters for the epidemiological report production |
body_replace_gg_at_bkm |
Replace a plot at a bookmark location |
cleanECDCTable |
Cleaning the final table |
cleanMeasureCode |
Clean the MeasureCode variable |
DENGUE2019 |
Dataset including Dengue data for 2015-2019 |
EcdcColors |
Colour palettes following the March 2018 ECDC guidelines for presentation of surveillance data |
filterDisease |
Filter disease parameters |
getAER |
Get full disease-specific epidemiological report |
getAgeGender |
Get disease-specific age and gender bar graph |
getMap |
Get disease-specific map: distribution of cases by Member State |
getSeason |
Get disease-specific seasonality graph: distribution of cases by month |
getTableByMS |
Get disease-specific table: distribution of cases by Member State (GeoCode) |
getTemplate |
Get epidemiological report (empty) template |
getTrend |
Get disease-specific trend plot: trend and number of cases by month |
includeMap |
Including PNG map in the 'Microsoft Word' template |
MSCode |
Dataset correspondence table between country names and country code |
orderQuasinum |
Order 'quasinumerical' categorical vectors (increasing order) |
plotAge |
Age bar graph |
plotAgeGender |
Age and Gender bar graph |
plotBar |
Bar graph |
plotBarGrouped |
Grouped bar graph |
plotBarGroupedH |
Horizontal grouped bar graph |
plotBarH |
Horizontal bar graph |
plotPie |
Pie chart |
plotSeasonality |
Seasonality line graph |
plotTS |
Time series plot |
plotTS12MAvg |
Time series with 12-month moving average |
plotTSGrouped |
Multiple time series plot |
previewMap |
Previewing the PNG map |
SALM2016 |
Dataset including Salmonellosis data for 2012-2016 |
shapeECDCFlexTable |
Shaping the final table (layout, title, color, font) |
toCapTitle |
Capitalise first letter |