epidata {EpiILM}R Documentation

Simulates epidemic for the specified model type and parameters


This function allows the user to simulate epidemics under different models and scenarios


epidata (type, n, tmin = NULL, tmax, sus.par, trans.par = NULL, beta = NULL, spark = NULL,

          Sformula = NULL, Tformula = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL,

          inftime = NULL, infperiod = NULL, contact = NULL)




Type of compartment framework, with the choice of "SI" for Susceptible-Infectious diseases and "SIR" for Susceptible-Infectious-Removed.


Population size


The time point at which simulation begins, default value is one.


The last time point of simulation.


Susceptibility parameter (>0).


Transmissibility parameter (>0).


Spatial parameter(s) (>0) or network parameter (s) (>0) if contact network is used.


Sparks parameter (>=0), representing infections unexplained by other parts of the model (eg. infections coming in from outside the observed population), default value is zero.


An object of class formula. See formula.

Individual-level covariate information associated with susceptibility can be passed through this argument. An expression of the form ~ model is interpreted as a specification that the susceptibility function, ΩS(i)\Omega_S(i) is modelled by a linear predictor specified symbolically by the model term. Such a model consists of a series of terms separated by + and - operators. If there is no susceptibility covariate information, Sformula is null.


An object of class formula. See formula.

Individual-level covariate information associated with transmissibility can be passed through this argument. An expression of the form ~ -1+model is interpreted as a specification that the transmissibility function, ΩT(j)\Omega_T(j) is modelled by a linear predictor specified symbolically by the model terms without the incorporation of the intercept term. Such a model consists of a series of terms separated by + and - operators. If there is no transmissibility covariate information, Tformula is null.


X coordinates of individuals.


Y coordinates of individuals.


Times at which individuals are infected to initialize epidemic simulation.


Length of infectious period for each individual.


A contact network matrix or an array of contact network matrices.


We consider following two individual level models:

Spatial model:

P(i,t)=1exp{ΩS(i)jI(t)ΩT(j)dijβε}P(i,t) =1- \exp\{-\Omega_S(i) \sum_{j \in I(t)}{\Omega_T(j)d_{ij}^{-\beta}- \varepsilon}\}

Network model:

P(i,t)=1exp{ΩS(i)jI(t)ΩT(j)(β1Cij(1)++βnCij(n))ε}P(i,t) =1- \exp\{-\Omega_S(i) \sum_{j \in I(t)}{\Omega_T(j)(\beta_1 C^{(1)}_{ij}} + \dots + \beta_n C^{(n)}_{ij} )- \varepsilon\}

where P(i,t)P(i,t) is the probability that susceptible individual i is infected at time point t, becoming infectious at time t+1; ΩS(i)\Omega_S(i) is a susceptibility function which accommodates potential risk factors associated with susceptible individual i contracting the disease; ΩT(j)\Omega_T(j) is a transmissibility function which accommodates potential risk factors associated with infectious individual j; ε\varepsilon is a sparks term which represents infections originating from outside the population being observed or some other unobserved infection mechanism.

The susceptibility function can incorporate any individual-level covariates of interest and ΩS(i)\Omega_S(i) is treated as a linear function of the covariates, i.e., ΩS(i)=α0+α1X1(i)+α2X2(i)++αnsXns(i)\Omega_S(i) = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 X_1(i) + \alpha_2 X_2 (i) + \dots + \alpha_{n_s} X_{n_s} (i), where X1(i),,Xns(i)X_1(i), \dots, X_{n_s} (i) denote nsn_scovariates associated with susceptible individual $i$, along with susceptibility parameters α0,,αns>0\alpha_0,\dots,\alpha_{n_s} >0. If the model does not contain any susceptibility covariates then ΩS(i)=α0\Omega_S(i) = \alpha_0 is used. In a similar way, the transmissibility function can incorporate any individual-level covariates of interest associated with infectious individual. ΩT(j)\Omega_T(j) is also treated as a linear function of the covariates, but without the intercept term, i.e., ΩT(j)=ϕ1X1(j)+ϕ2X2(j)++ϕntXnt(j)\Omega_T(j) = \phi_1 X_1(j) + \phi_2 X_2 (j) + \dots + \phi_{n_t} X_{n_t} (j), where X1(j),,Xnt(j)X_1(j), \dots, X_{n_t} (j) denote the ntn_t covariates associated with infectious individual j, along with transmissibility parameters ϕ1,,ϕnt>0\phi_1,\dots,\phi_{n_t} >0. If the model does not contain any transmissibility covariates then ΩT(j)=1\Omega_T(j) = 1 is used.


An object of class epidata is returned containing the following:


Type of compartment framework, with the choice of "SI" for Susceptible-Infectious diseases and "SIR" for Susceptible-Infectious-Removed


The XY-coordinates of individuals.


Contact network matrix.


The infection times of individuals.


The removal times of individuals when type = “SIR”.


Deardon, R., Brooks, S. P., Grenfell, B. T., Keeling, M. J., Tildesley, M. J., Savill, N. J., Shaw, D. J., and Woolhouse, M. E. (2010). Inference for individual level models of infectious diseases in large populations. Statistica Sinica, 20, 239-261.

Deardon, R., Fang, X., and Kwong, G.P.S. (2014). Statistical modelling of spatio-temporal infectious disease transmission in analyzing and modeling Spatial and temporal dynamics of infectious diseases, (Ed: D. Chen, B. Moulin, J. Wu), John Wiley & Sons. Chapter 11.

See Also

plot.epidata, epimcmc, epilike, pred.epi.


## Example 1:  spatial SI model
# generate 100 individuals

x <- runif(100, 0, 10)

y <- runif(100, 0, 10)

covariate <- runif(100, 0, 2)

out1 <- epidata(type = "SI",n = 100, Sformula = ~covariate, tmax = 15,
               sus.par = c(0.1, 0.3), beta = 5.0, x = x, y = y)

# Plots of epidemic progression (optional)

plot(out1, plottype = "spatial")
plot(out1, plottype = "curve", curvetype = "newinfect")

## Example 2: spatial SIR model
# generate infectious period(=3) for 100 individuals

lambda <- rep(3, 100)

out2 <- epidata(type = "SIR", n = 100, tmax = 15, sus.par = 0.3, beta = 5.0, infperiod = lambda,
        x = x, y = y)

plot(out2, plottype = "spatial")
plot(out2, plottype = "curve", curvetype = "newinfect")

## Example 3:   SI network model

contact1 <- matrix(rbinom(10000, 1, 0.1), nrow = 100, ncol = 100)

contact2 <- matrix(rbinom(10000, 1, 0.1), nrow = 100, ncol = 100)

diag(contact1[,] ) <- 0

diag(contact2[,] ) <- 0

contact <- array(c(contact1, contact2), dim = c(100, 100, 2))

out3 <- epidata(type = "SI", n = 100, tmax = 15, sus.par = 0.3, beta = c(3.0, 5.0),
        contact = contact)
plot(out3, plottype = "curve", curvetype = "complete")
plot(out3, plottype = "curve", curvetype = "susceptible")
plot(out3, plottype = "curve", curvetype = "newinfect")
plot(out3, plottype = "curve", curvetype = "totalinfect")

[Package EpiILM version 1.5.2 Index]