Code Sharing at the Department of Epidemiological Research at Statens Serum Institut

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Documentation for package ‘EpiForsk’ version 0.1.1

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EpiForsk-package EpiForsk
.datatable.aware make package data table aware
adls_timevarying_region_data Simulated Time-Varying Residence Data
andh_forest_data Example Data for Husby's Forest Plot Vignette
asympBF Asymptotic Bayes factors
braid_rows Bind lists of list of multiple data frames by row
CATESurface Calculate CATE on a surface in the covariate space
CausalForestDynamicSubgroups Calculate CATE in dynamically determined subgroups
ceiling_dec Round numbers up to a given number of decimal places
CForBenefit c-for-benefit
charlson_score Charlson Score Constructor
ci_fct solve optimization problem for CI bounds
ci_fct_error_handler Handle errors returned by ci_fct
CovariateBalance Plots for checking covariate balance in causal forest
decimalplaces Determine number of decimal places
DiscreteCovariateNames Extract discrete covariate names
DiscreteCovariatesToOneHot One-hot encode factors
EpiForsk EpiForsk
fct_confint Confidence set for functions of model parameters
fct_confint.default Confidence set for functions of model parameters
fct_confint.glm Confidence set for functions of model parameters
fct_confint.lm Confidence set for functions of model parameters
fct_confint.lms Confidence set for functions of model parameters
flatten_date_intervals Flatten Date Intervals
floor_dec Round numbers down to a given number of decimal places
freq_function Frequency Tables with Percentage and Odds Ratios
freq_function_repeated Wrapper for 'freq_function()' to get frequencies for many variables in one go.
invasympBF Asymptotic Bayes factors
invlogasympBF Asymptotic Bayes factors
invwatershed Asymptotic Bayes factors
lms Wrapper around lm for sibling design
logasympBF Asymptotic Bayes factors
many_merge Merging Many Data Frames with Name Handling
multi_join Join many data frames with name handling
odds_ratio_function Easier to perform logistic and log-linear regressions giving a standardized output table
odds_ratio_function_repeated Wrapper for the 'odds_ratio_function()'to perform several similar analyses in one go
print.lms Wrapper around lm for sibling design
RATEOmnibusTest RATE based omnibus test of heterogeneity
RATETest wrapper for rank_average_treatment_effect
summary.svy_vglm Summary function for svy_vglm objects
try_catch_warnings Try Catch with Warning Handling
vcovHC Heteroscedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix
watershed Asymptotic Bayes factors