alphadata |
Alphaherpesvirinae virus genome sequence data |
Benhc |
Performs bootstrap ensemble hierarchical clustering for categorical data. |
cancer |
Primary tumor domain (cancer) data |
convert genetic data (nucleotides) to numerical values |
ebola |
Ebolavirus genome sequence data |
enhcHi |
Performs ensemble hierarchical clustering for high dimensional categorical data |
EnsCat |
This package includes several methods that can be used to cluster categorical data. |
ggdplot |
Nice plots of hierarchical clustering results via ggdendrogram |
hammingD |
Calculate the hamming distance between data points. |
kmodes |
Run Kmodes |
lympho |
Lymphography domian (lympho) data |
mush |
Mushroom data |
rhabdodata |
Rhabdoviridae virus genome sequence data |
soybean |
Soybean (small) data |
tangle |
Generate a tanglegram from two hierarchical clusterings of a data set |
USFlag |
United States Flag Privately-Owned Merchant Fleet Data |
zoo |
zoo data |