timetemp {EngrExpt}R Documentation

Time to nominal temperature


The time for a painted panel to reach a nominal temperature of -10 C versus the temperature in a freezer to prepare the panel. Two types of panels were used, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) panels and repair panels. The repair panels have an extra coat of paint.


A data frame with 24 observations on the following 3 variables.


time, in minutes, for the panel to reach the nominal temperature of -10 C


temperature in the freezer from which the panel is extracted


a factor with levels Repair OEM


A freezer is used to simulate exposure to cold on automotive paint test panels. A durability test is to be conducted at -10 C. The test is conducted on two types of panels (one type has an additional coat of paint) and there is some time needed to retrieve the panel from the freezer and to place it in the test equipment. This study was run to determine the optimal freezer setting for running the durability test.


Peter R. Nelson, Marie Coffin and Karen A. F. Copeland (2003), Introductory Statistics for Engineering Experimentation, Elsevier. (Appendix A)


xyplot(time ~ temp, timetemp, groups = type,
       type = c("g","p","r"), aspect = 'xy',
       ylab = "Time to reach -10C (min.)",
       xlab = "Temperature in freezer (degrees C)",
       auto.key = list(columns = 2, lines = TRUE))

[Package EngrExpt version 0.1-8 Index]