surfarea {EngrExpt}R Documentation

Surface area of silica


Measurements of the surface area, in m2/gm^2/g, of samples of silica, a chemical product with many applications, such as a filler in rubber products. The surface area is a key property of the product.


A data frame with 32 observations on the following variable.


a numeric vector


Peter R. Nelson, Marie Coffin and Karen A. F. Copeland (2003), Introductory Statistics for Engineering Experimentation, Elsevier. (Appendix A)


with(surfarea, summary(area))
qqmath(~ area, surfarea, aspect = 1, type = c("g", "p"),
       xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
       ylab = expression("Surface area " * (m^2/g) *
           " of batches of silica"))
print(qqmath(~ area, surfarea, aspect = 1, type = c("g", "p"),
             xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
             ylab = expression("Surface area " * (m^2/g))),
      pos = c(0,0,0.33,1), more = TRUE)
print(densityplot(~ area, surfarea,
                  xlab = expression("Surface area "*(m^2/g)*
                      " of batches of silica")),
      pos = c(0.3,0,1,1))

[Package EngrExpt version 0.1-8 Index]