Emissions and Statistics in R for Wastewater and Pollutants in Combined Sewer Systems

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EmiStatR-package Emissions and Statistics in R for Wastewater and Pollutants in Combined Sewer Systems.
Agg Temporal aggregation of environmental variables
CInp2TS Function to convert Constant Input to Time Series
Delay Delay function for time series
E1 Dataset: An example of combined sewer overflow (CSO) input for Goesdorf structure (CSO chamber, CSOC).
E2 Dataset: An example of combined sewer overflow (CSO) input for Kaundorf structure (CSO chamber, CSOC).
E3 Dataset: An example of combined sewer overflow (CSO) input for Nocher-Route structure (CSO chamber, CSOC).
EmiStatR S4 Methods for Function 'EmiStatR'
EmiStatR-method Class '"input"'
EmiStatR-methods S4 Methods for Function 'EmiStatR'
Esch_Sure2010 Dataset: An example time series for the EmiStatR package
inf Dataset: An example of general input for infiltration characteristics in the study region.
input Class '"input"'
input-class Class '"input"'
IsReg Wrapping Function for Function "is.regular" from "zoo" package for "data.frame" objects
Level2Volume Function for linear interpolation given the relationship of two variables
P1 Dataset: An example of input time series for the EmiStatR package
P1_20111216 Dataset: An example of input time series for the EmiStatR package
pe_factor Dataset: An example of general input for the daily population equivalent factors in the study region.
qs_factor Dataset: An example of general input for the daily water consumption factors in the study region.
qs_factor_ATV Dataset: An example of general input for the daily water consumption factors (ATV German guideline) in the study region.
rw Dataset: An example of general input for rainwater characteristics in the study region.
Volume2Level Function for linear interpolation given the relationship of two variables
ww Dataset: An example of general input for wastewater characteristics in the study region.