Fast Embedding Guided by Self-Organizing Map

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Documentation for package ‘EmbedSOM’ version 2.1.2

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ClusterPalette An acceptable cluster color palette
EmbedSOM Process the cells with SOM into a nice embedding
ExprColors Generate colors for multi-color marker expression labeling in a single plot
ExpressionGradient The ggplot2 scale gradient from ExpressionPalette.
ExpressionPalette Marker expression palette generator based off ColorBrewer's RdYlBu, only better for plotting of half-transparent cells
GQTSOM Train a Growing Quadtree Self-Organizing Map
GraphCoords Add Kamada-Kawai-generated embedding coordinates to the map
Initialize_PCA Create a grid from first 2 PCA components
kMeansMap Create a map from k-Means clusters
kNNCoords Add KNN-topology-based embedding coordinates to the map
MapDataToCodes Assign nearest node to each datapoint
MSTCoords Add MST-style embedding coordinates to the map
NormalizeColor Helper for computing colors for embedding plots
PlotData Export a data frame for plotting with marker intensities and density.
PlotDefault Default plot
PlotEmbed Helper function for plotting the embedding
PlotGG Wrap PlotData result in ggplot object.
PlotId Identity on whatever
RandomMap Create a map by randomly selecting points
SOM Build a self-organizing map
tSNECoords Add tSNE-based coordinates to a map
UMAPCoords Add UMAP-based coordinates to a map
UMatrixCoords Add U-Matrix-optimized embedding coordinates to the map
uwotCoords Add UMAP-based coordinates to a map, using the 'uwot' package