mullein {EZtune} | R Documentation |
Mullein data from Lava Beds National Monument
This dataset contains information about the presence and absence of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) at Lava Beds National Monument. The park was digitally divided into 30m by 30m pixels. Park personnel provided data on 6,047 sites at which mullein was detected and treated between 2000 and 2005, and these data were augmented by 6,047 randomly selected pseudo-absences. For each 30m by 30m site there are data on elevation, aspect, slope, proximity to roads and trails, and interpolated bioclimatic variables such as minimum, maximum, and average temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and evapotranspiration. The dataset called mulleinTest is a test dataset collected in Lava Beds National Monument in 2006 that can be used to verify evaluate predictive statistical procedures applied to the mullein dataset.
A data frame with 12,094 observations and 32 variables. One variable identifies the presence or absence of mullein in a 30m by 30m site and 31 variables are characteristics of the site where the data were collected.
In the original data there were 12 monthly values for each of the bioclimatic predictors. Principal components analyses suggested that for each of these predictors 2 principal components explained the vast majority (95.0% - 99.5%) of the total variability. Based on these analyses, indices were created for each set of bioclimatic predictors. The variables with the suffix Ave in the variable name are the average of 12 monthly variables. The variables with the suffix Diff are contrasts between the sum of the April-September monthly values and the sum of the October-December and January-March monthly values, divided by 12. Roughly speaking, these are summer-to-winter contrasts. The variables are summarized as follows:
- VerbThap
Presence or absence of Verbascum thapsus, common mullein, (Absent = 0, Present = 1)
- DegreeDays
Degree days in degrees Celsius
- EvapoTransAve
Average monthly potential evapotranspiration in mm
- EvapoTransDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly potential evapotranspiration in mm
- MoistIndAve
Average monthly moisture index in cm
- MoistIndDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly moisture index in cm
- PrecipAve
Average monthly precipitation in cm
- PrecipDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly precipitation in cm
- RelHumidAve
Average monthly relative humidity in percent
- RelHumidDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly relative humidity in percent
- PotGlobRadAve
Average monthly potential global radiation in kJ
- PotGlobRadDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly potential global radiation in kJ
- AveTempAve
Average monthly average temperature in degrees Celsius
- AveTempDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly average temperature in degrees Celsius
- MinTempAve
Average monthly minimum temperature in degrees Celsius
- MinTempDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly minimum temperature in degrees Celsius
- MaxTempAve
Average monthly maximum temperature in degrees Celsius
- MaxTempDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly maximum temperature in degrees Celsius
- DayTempAve
Mean average daytime temperature in degrees Celsius
- DayTempDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in average daytime temperature in degrees Celsius
- AmbVapPressAve
Average monthly average ambient vapor pressure in Pa
- AmbVapPressDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly average ambient vapor pressure in Pa
- SatVapPressAve
Average monthly average saturated vapor pressure in Pa
- SatVapPressDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly average saturated vapor pressure in Pa
- VapPressDefAve
Average monthly average vapor pressure deficit in Pa
- VapPressDefDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly average vapor pressure deficit in Pa
- Elevation
Elevation in meters
- Slope
Percent slope
- TransAspect
Transformed Aspect: TransAspect=(1-cos(Aspect))/2
- DistRoad
Distance to the nearest road in meters
- DistTrail
Distance to the nearest trail in meters
- DistRoadTrail
Distance to the nearest road or trail in meters
Cutler, D. Richard., Thomas C. Edwards Jr., Karen H. Beard, Adele Cutler, Kyle T. Hess, Jacob Gibson, and Joshua J. Lawler. 2007. Random Forests for Classification in Ecology. Ecology 88(11): 2783-2792.