lichen {EZtune} | R Documentation |
Lichen data from the Current Vegetation Survey
Data were collected between 1993 and 1999 as part of the Lichen Air Quality surveys on public lands in Oregon and southern Washington. Observations were obtained from 1-acre (0.4 ha) plots at Current Vegetation Survey (CVS) sites. Indicator variables denote the presences and absences of 7 lichen species. Data for each sampled plot include the topographic variables elevation, aspect, and slope; bioclimatic predictors including maximum, minimum, daily, and average temperatures, relative humidity precipitation, evapotranspiration, and vapor pressure; and vegetation variables including the average age of the dominant conifer and percent conifer cover. The data in lichenTest were collected from half-acre plots at CVS sites in the same geographical region and contains many of the same variables, including presences and absences for the 7 lichen species. As such, it is a good test dataset for predictive methods applied to the Lichen Air Quality data.
A data frame with 840 observations and 40 variables. One variable is a location identifier, 7 (coded as 0 and 1) identify the presence or absence of a type of lichen species, and 32 are characteristics of the survey site where the data were collected.
There were 12 monthly values in the original data for each of the bioclimatic predictors. Principal components analyses suggested that for each of these predictors 2 principal components explained the vast majority (95.0%-99.5%) of the total variability. Based on these analyses, indices were created for each set of bioclimatic predictors. The variables with the suffix Ave in the variable name are the average of 12 monthly variables. The variables with the suffix Diff are contrasts between the sum of the April-September monthly values and the sum of the October-December and January-March monthly values, divided by 12. Roughly speaking, these are summer-to-winter contrasts.
The variables are summarized as follows:
- PlotNum
Identifier of the section of forest from which the data were collected.
- LobaOreg
Lobaria oregana (Absent = 0, Present = 1)
- LobaPulm
Lobaria pulmonaria (Absent = 0, Present = 1)
- NephBell
Nephroma bellum (Absent = 0, Present = 1)
- NephHelv
Nephroma helveticum (Absent = 0, Present = 1)
- PseuAnom
Pseudocyphellaria anomala (Absent = 0, Present = 1)
- PseuAnth
Pseudocyphellaria anthraspis (Absent = 0, Present = 1)
- PseuCroc
Pseudocyphellaria crocata (Absent = 0, Present = 1)
- EvapoTransAve
Average monthly potential evapotranspiration in mm
- EvapoTransDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly potential evapotranspiration in mm
- MoistIndexAve
Average monthly moisture index in cm
- MoistIndexDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly monthly moisture index in cm
- PrecipAve
Average monthly precipitation in cm
- PrecipDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly precipitation in cm
- RelHumidAve
Average monthly relative humidity in percent
- RelHumidDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly relative humidity in percent
- PotGlobRadAve
Average monthly potential global radiation in kJ
- PotGlobRadDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly potential global radiation in kJ
- AveTempAve
Average monthly average temperature in degrees Celsius
- AveTempDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly average temperature in degrees Celsius
- MaxTempAve
Average monthly maximum temperature in degrees Celsius
- MaxTempDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly maximum temperature in degrees Celsius
- MinTempAve
Average monthly minimum temperature in degrees Celsius
- MinTempDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly minimum temperature in degrees Celsius
- DayTempAve
Mean average daytime temperature in degrees Celsius
- DayTempDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in average daytime temperature in degrees Celsius
- AmbVapPressAve
Average monthly average ambient vapor pressure in Pa
- AmbVapPressDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly average ambient vapor pressure in Pa
- SatVapPressAve
Average monthly average saturated vapor pressure in Pa
- SatVapPressDiff
Summer-to-winter difference in monthly average saturated vapor pressure in Pa
- Aspect
Aspect in degrees
- TransAspect
Transformed Aspect: TransAspect=(1-cos(Aspect))/2
- Elevation
Elevation in meters
- Slope
Percent slope
- ReserveStatus
Reserve Status (Reserve, Matrix)
- StandAgeClass
Stand Age Class (< 80 years, 80+ years)
Average age of the dominant conifer in years
- PctVegCov
Percent vegetation cover
- PctConifCov
Percent conifer cover
- PctBroadLeafCov
Percent broadleaf cover
- TreeBiomass
Live tree (> 1inch DBH) biomass, above ground, dry weight.
Cutler, D. Richard., Thomas C. Edwards Jr., Karen H. Beard, Adele Cutler, Kyle T. Hess, Jacob Gibson, and Joshua J. Lawler. 2007. Random Forests for Classification in Ecology. Ecology 88(11): 2783-2792.