matchmerge {ETLUtils}R Documentation

Merge two data frames (fast) by common columns by performing a left (outer) join or an inner join.


Merge two data frames (fast) by common columns by performing a left (outer) join or an inner join.
The data frames are merged on the columns given by by.x and by.y. Columns can be specified only by name. This differs from the merge function from the base package in that merging is done based on 1 column key only. If more than one column is supplied in by.x and by.y, these columns will be concatenated together to form 1 key which will be used to match. Alternatively, by.x and by.y can be 2 vectors of length NROW(x) which will be used as keys.


  all.x = FALSE,
  by.iskey = FALSE,
  suffix = ".y",
  add.columns = colnames(y),
  check.duplicates = TRUE,
  trace = FALSE



the left hand side data frame to merge


the right hand side data frame to merge
or a vector in which case you always need to supply by.y as a vector, make sure by.iskey is set to TRUE and provide in add.columns the column name for which y will be relabelled to in the joined data frame (see the example).


either the name of 1 column in x or a character vector of length NROW(x) which will be used as key to merge the 2 data frames


either the name of 1 column in y or a character vector of length NROW(x) which will be used as key to merge the 2 data frames. Duplicate values in by.y are not allowed.


logical, if TRUE, then extra rows will be added to the output, one for each row in x that has no matching row in y. These rows will have NAs in those columns that are usually filled with values from y. The default is FALSE, so that only rows with data from both x and y are included in the output. The default value corresponds to an inner join. If TRUE is supplied, this corresponds to a left (outer) join.


Logical, indicating that the by.x and the by.y inputs are vectors of length NROW(x) and NROW(y) instead of column names in x and y. If this is FALSE, the input columns will be pasted together to create a key to merge upon. Otherwise, the function will use the by.x and by.y vectors directly as matching key. Defaults to FALSE indicating the by.x and by.y are column names in x and y.


a character string to be used for duplicate column names in x and y to make the y columns unique.


character vector of column names in y to merge to the x data frame. Defaults to all columns in y.


checks if by.y contains duplicates which is not allowed. Defaults to TRUE.


logical, indicating to print some informative messages about the progress


The rows in the right hand side data frame that match on the specific key are extracted, and joined together with the left hand side data frame.

Merging is done based on the match function on the key value. This makes the function a lot faster when compared to applying merge, especially for large data frames (see the example). And also the memory consumption is a lot smaller.

In SQL database terminology, the default value of all.x = FALSE gives a natural join, a special case of an inner join. Specifying all.x = FALSE gives a left (outer) join. Right (outer) join or (full) outer join are not provided in this function.


data frame with x joined with y based on the supplied columns. The output columns are the columns in x followed by the extra columns in y.

See Also

cbind, match, merge


left <- data.frame(idlhs = c(1:4, 3:5), a = LETTERS[1:7], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
right <- data.frame(idrhs = c(1:4), b = LETTERS[8:11], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Inner join
matchmerge(x=left, y=right, by.x = "idlhs", by.y = "idrhs")

## Left outer join in 2 ways
matchmerge(x=left, y=right, by.x = "idlhs", by.y = "idrhs", all.x=TRUE)
matchmerge(x=left, y=right, by.x = left$idlhs, by.y = right$idrhs, all.x=TRUE, by.iskey=TRUE)

## Show usage when y is just a vector instead of a data.frame
matchmerge(x=left, y=right$b, by.x = left$idlhs, by.y = right$idrhs, all.x=TRUE, 
by.iskey=TRUE, add.columns="b.renamed")

## Show speedup difference with merge
## Not run: 
size <- 100000 
dimension <- seq(Sys.Date(), Sys.Date()+10, by = "day")
left <- data.frame(date = rep(dimension, size), sales = rnorm(size))
right <- data.frame(date = dimension, feature = dimension-7, feature = dimension-14)
print(system.time(merge(left, right, by.x="date", by.y="date", all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE)))
print(system.time(matchmerge(left, right, by.x="date", by.y="date", all.x=TRUE, by.iskey=FALSE)))

## End(Not run)
## Show example usage 
products <- expand.grid(product = c("Pepsi", "Coca Cola"), type = c("Can","Bottle"), 
size = c("6Ml","8Ml"), distributor = c("Distri X","Distri Y"), salesperson = c("Mr X","Mr Y"), 
products <- products[!duplicated(products[, c("product","type","size")]), ]
products$key <- paste(products$product, products$type, products$size, sep=".")
sales <- expand.grid(item = unique(products$key), sales = rnorm(10000, mean = 100))
info <- matchmerge(x=sales, y=products, 
  by.x=sales$item, by.y=products$key, all.x=TRUE, by.iskey=TRUE, 
  add.columns=c("size","distributor"), check.duplicates=FALSE)
tapply(info$sales, info$distributor, FUN=sum)

[Package ETLUtils version 1.5 Index]