Efficient Sequential Testing with Evidence Ratios

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Documentation for package ‘ESTER’ version 0.2.0

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ESTER-package Efficient Sequential Testing with Evidence Ratios
aic Computes the Akaike Information Criterion
analysER Analysing the results of simulations ran with 'simER'
bic Computes the Bayesian Information Criterion
distER Simulating many sequential testing with evidence ratios and plotting their distribution
ESTER Efficient Sequential Testing with Evidence Ratios
ictab Computes Akaike weights or pseudo-BMA weights for a set of models
plot.simER Plotting the results of 'simER'
seqER Computes sequential evidence ratios
seqERboot Computes sequential evidence ratios for a given data set and permutation samples
simER Simulates sequential testing with evidence ratios