Exponential Random Partition Models

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Documentation for package ‘ERPM’ version 0.2.0

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Bell_constraints Function to calculate the number of partitions with groups of sizes between smin and smax
calculate_denominator_Dirichlet_restricted Calculate Dirichlet denominator
calculate_proba_Dirichlet_restricted Calculate Dirichlet probability
check_sizes Function to determine whether a partition contains the allowed group sizes
computeStatistics Compute Statistics
computeStatistics_multiple Compute Statistics multiple
compute_averagesize Compute the average size of a random partition
compute_numgroups_denominator Compute denominator for model with number of groups
correlation_between Between groups correlation
correlation_within Within groups correlation
correlation_with_size Correlation with size
count_classes Function to count the number of partitions with a certain group size structure, for all possible group size structure. Function to use after calling the "find_all_partitions" function.
draw_Metropolis_multiple Draw Metropolis multiple
draw_Metropolis_single Draw Metropolis single
estimate_ERPM Estimate ERPM
estimate_logL Estimate log likelihood
estimate_multipleERPM Estimate ERPM for multiple observations
estimation Exemplary outcome objects for the ERPM Package
exactestimates_numgroups Exact estimates number of groups
find_all_partitions Function to enumerate all possible partitions for a given n
gridsearch_burninthining_multiple Grid - search burnin thining multiple
gridsearch_burninthining_single Grid - search burnin thining single
gridsearch_burnin_single Grid - search burnin single
gridsearch_thining_single Grid - search thining single
group_size Statistics on the size of groups in a partition
icc Intra class correlation
number_categories Number of individuals having an attribute
number_ties Same pairs of individuals in a partition
order_groupids Function to replace the ids of the group without forgetting an id and put in the first appearance order for example: [2 1 1 4 2] becomes [1 2 2 3 1]
outcomeObjects Exemplary outcome objects for the ERPM Package
phase1 Core function for Phase 1
plot_averagesizes Plot average sizes
plot_numgroups_likelihood Plot likelihood of number groups
plot_partition Visualization of partition
print.results.bayesian.erpm Print results of bayesian estimation (beta version)
print.results.list.erpm Print estimation results
print.results.p3.erpm Print results of estimation of phase 3
proportion_isolate Proportion of isolates
range_attribute Range of attribute in groups
run_phase1_multiple Phase 1 wrapper for multiple observations
run_phase1_single Phase 1 wrapper for single observation
run_phase2_multiple Phase 2 wrapper for multiple observation
run_phase2_single Phase 2 wrapper for single observation
run_phase3_multiple Phase 3 wrapper for multiple observation
run_phase3_single Phase 3 wrapper for single observation
same_pairs Same pairs of individuals in a partition
similar_pairs Similar pairs of individuals in a partition
simulate_burninthining_multiple Simulate burnin thining multiple
simulate_burninthining_single Simulate burnin thining single
simulate_burnin_single Simulate burn in single
simulate_thining_single Simulate thining single
Stirling2_constraints Function to calculate the number of partitions with k groups of sizes between smin and smax