Calculate AHR (or expected AHR) |
BNhold |
AID348 hold-out data using Burden Numbers for testing the EPX package |
BNsample |
AID348 sample (training) data with Burden Numbers for testing the EPX package |
cv.epx |
Balanced K-fold cross-validation for an "'epx'" object |
epx |
Fitting an Ensemble of Phalanxes |
harvest |
Simulated dataset for testing the EPX package |
hit.curve |
Plot hit curve |
IE |
Calculate Initial Enhancement |
plot.epx |
Plot hit curve for an "'epx'" object |
predict.epx |
Predict with an "'epx'" object |
Calculate rank last |
summary.epx |
Summarising an "'epx'" object |
TOP1 |
Calculate TOP1 |